Chapter 310 Little Cherry

New neighbors?
Lu Yunyao's brain froze for a few seconds before she realized it.

The house opposite her seems to have moved out last month, and a new tenant came so soon?

Since Lu Yunyao was almost kidnapped just now, it's better to be vigilant, she said through the intercom of the doorbell: "Nice to meet you, what's the matter?"

I saw the woman on the screen, with long straight hair, said softly: "It's nothing, I just want to say hello to you."

The woman on the screen gave Lu Yunyao a sense of a teacher, because that woman not only had long straight hair, but also wore a pair of retro oval glasses, and she seemed to be a person with a high level of education.

After the other party finished speaking, he turned and left, as if he was completing a task.

Lu Yunyao watched the woman on the screen turn and leave, shrugged and turned off the screen, then turned around and left.

She wanted to go back and continue what she had just left unfinished.

Mo Miaomiao was just about to go to Lu Yunyao's house to discuss with Lu Yunyao about going on the show tomorrow. Just now she received a notification from Fei Nanmei that Lu Yunyao had a temporary show tomorrow.

In order to achieve the goal of making Lu Yunyao famous, she felt that she had to work harder.

As soon as Mo Miaomiao approached Lu Yunyao's door, she saw a woman standing at Lu Yunyao's door, and subconsciously asked, "Who are you looking for?"

After all, Lu Yunyao was almost kidnapped just now, so she must be very alert to anyone who came looking for Lu Yunyao, and would not let any suspicious person go.

The straight-haired woman was just about to leave, but accidentally met Mo Miaomiao, and said awkwardly, "I just moved across the street, and I just wanted to say hello to my new neighbor."

Mo Miaomiao looked at the seemingly gentle woman in front of her, and asked doubtfully, "You just moved here?"

The straight-haired woman said softly, "Yes! I live across the street."

The straight-haired woman's explanation made Mo Miaomiao frowned, and the straight-haired woman hurried into her home in fright, and even took out the key card and tapped the card on her door lock to show that she was not lying.

With a beep, the door opened with the straight-haired woman's explanation.

Before Mo Miaomiao could get rid of her worries about her, a childish female voice suddenly came from the opened door.

"Mom, you're back! Shall we have dumplings tonight?"

The sound of "Mom" made Mo Miaomiao stunned. She couldn't help but look at this woman in her heart. It turned out to be a mother!

The straight-haired woman picked up the little girl and said softly, "Okay, whatever Little Cherry wants to eat, we'll eat tonight."

The little girl with two ponytails hugged the straight-haired woman's neck and said happily, "Oye! Let's eat dumplings tonight."

The straight-haired woman walked forward and said awkwardly to Mo Miaomiao: "I just moved here, my surname is Pan, and this is my daughter, Little Cherry."

Until now, Mo Miaomiao had no choice but to believe that this woman was really a neighbor's affair, and she responded with a smile: "Little Cherry! The name is as cute as yours."

Little Cherry stared at Mo Miaomiao with her watery eyes, and then shyly buried her face in her mother's arms, embarrassing Mo Miaomiao.

Is she just like a scary aunt?

The straight-haired woman rubbed Little Cherry's head fondly, and said embarrassedly: "My daughter is a little shy, don't get me wrong."

Little Cherry hid in the arms of the straight-haired woman, and didn't dare to stick out her little head until the door was about to close, and took a last look at Mo Miaomiao.

Because of Little Cherry's reaction, Mo Miaomiao dispelled the idea that the other party was a suspicious person.

(End of this chapter)

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