Chapter 559 [Xingshi asks the crime 3]

Immortality has instead become a kind of shackle, a kind of bondage.Everyone in the world wants to live forever, but they don't know that immortality is a kind of torture.I have seen a lot, know a lot, and I am not interested in anything.

He began to understand why Di Shitian liked to oppose him for thousands of years.

Because they are the same people, they are immortal, they see all things grow, and they always have to do things early.He kept provoking the Ten Emperor Uncles, failed repeatedly, and made a comeback.Maybe that's how to pass the time.

If it wasn't for threatening Baili Rongzhen, Di Shitian was directly stabbing Uncle Ten in the heart, perhaps Uncle Ten would not have cared.

He was like a rational adult, standing there, watching Di Shitian toss, and then laughed it off.But not this time.
Wait, is it because Baili Rongzhen turned into a zombie that the treasure map will be transformed.

In his cognition, he always thought that the treasure map belonged to the royal family of the Northern Wei Dynasty, because it was an oral order passed down from generation to generation by the emperor.Now Uncle Ten Huang suddenly felt that the treasure map had nothing to do with the royal family, otherwise only Baili Rongzhen's blood could open it.

It will not be imported into Baili Rongzhen's white jade coffin.
Did she set it up herself?

Everything seems to be figured out. It seems that it is not a treasure map at all, nor is it an incomparably rich wealth, but something important to Zhen'er.Otherwise, it would not indicate that they should go find it.

If it was just gold, silver and jewellery, there would be no need to go through so much trouble. I am afraid that Zhen'er in the previous life would not care about money.

Uncle Ten Emperor lowered his head, glanced at the little zombie who was sleeping soundly in his arms, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly he felt a little wicked.

If Zhen'er recovers the memory of her previous life and knows that in this life, she loves money so much that she can't move her legs when she sees Ye Mingzhu, will she despise herself?He even did a lot of things for money.Including being playful and cute in the arms of the ten emperor uncles, just for the things in the ten emperor uncle's treasure pavilion.

She entered the Treasure Pavilion, and when she saw those priceless things, her eyes were full of glittering silver.

Uncle Shihuang finds it funny when he thinks about it now, the first sentence of that annoying little zombie is, if these things are exchanged for silver, I don't know how much it can be exchanged for.

The corners of Uncle Ten Emperor's mouth twitched at the time. You must know that the Treasure Pavilion in his contracted space is full of extraordinary items, and ancient artifacts can be found everywhere.For example, Baili Rongzhen's current Shennong Cauldron for alchemy.Take it for silver.The world is so mundane that Uncle Ten Huang doesn't know what to say.

At that time, Baili Rongzhen patted Uncle Shihuang on the shoulder: "It seems that I married an upstart",
Uncle Ten Huang was uncomfortable at the time. Could it be that if he had no money and was a poor scholar, she wouldn't marry him?But later Uncle Shi Huang felt relieved and spoiled her, the premise is not to worry about food and clothing.

Suddenly, Ten Emperor Uncle looked forward to the moment when Baili Rongzhen changed his face that day.

This night, Uncle Ten Huang spent all his memories, without even a little sleepiness, but his memories were all related to Baili Rongzhen. He lived too long, and Uncle Ten Huang himself remembered some memories It's not very clear, only the memory with Zhen'er can be so unforgettable.

Uncle Ten Huang was thinking that even after thousands of years, he would not forget these memories.

(End of this chapter)

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