Chapter 560 [Xingshi asks the crime 4]

Uncle Ten Huang was thinking that even after thousands of years, he would not forget these memories.Because these memories are worth being cherished, and it is not bad to reminisce about a long life.With these memories, perhaps it will not be so boring in the future.

Baili Rongzhen slept for three days and three nights.It was the same as that time when she was doing alchemy crazily.All because of the exhaustion of spiritual energy and deep sleep.

Uncle Ten Huang woke up in Baili Rongzhen, begged Baili Rongzhen fiercely, and vented all his fears, all his worries, and all his emotions.

I didn't know how scared the Ten Emperor Uncle was when he saw Baili Rongzhen lying there. That emotion was unfamiliar to the Ten Emperor Uncle before, but ever since he had this little zombie by his side, he would be scared every now and then. To experience once.It really tested his heart load.

Every time, she fell into such a deep sleep without warning, making Uncle Shi Huang a little dumbfounded. If he wasn't by his side, she would have been betrayed long ago.

However, Uncle Ten Huang is also a little happy, his Zhen'er trusts him very much, and that feeling of being trusted makes Uncle Ten Huang very comfortable.

Sensing Uncle Ten Emperor's emotions, Baili Rongzhen was obedient at first, because she felt Uncle Ten Emperor's fear.

That ruthless, black-bellied, arrogant, and high-ranking Uncle Ten Emperors was completely afraid. Baili Rongzhen felt extremely distressed, and even felt guilty. But such emotions didn't last long, and Baili Rongzhen was no longer in the mood to think about it. .

If a woman still has wild thoughts and other emotions on the bed, it proves how failed this man is.

Uncle Shihuang is not such a man.

Until Baili Rongzhen begged for mercy, and promised that it would never be like this in the future, the ten emperor uncles did not let Baili Rongzhen go.He begged Baili Rongzhen for several hours.

Baili Rongzhen, who had already woken up, fell into a coma again after being tormented by Uncle Ten Huang. At that time, Uncle Ten Huang was extremely satisfied and refreshed.

Baili Rongzhen slept on the bed for another day.When she knew the cause and effect, she flashed into the inner space and searched for Baihu all over the space.

Baihu felt it the moment Baili Rongzhen woke up.But he quickly lost contact, and he quickly hid, he felt guilty.

Don't be guilty, don't think about it, that man will definitely punish his master, but after she knows that he is the culprit, will he still have a good life?Thinking of that grueling little zombie, Bai Hu felt his butt hurt.

The shadow in my heart has not disappeared.

But this little zombie likes spanking and buttocks the most. What if he spanks his farts and buttocks again? Jane is in front of her.

Sure enough, as soon as he hid, he felt Baili Rongzhen flashing into the inner space aggressively.

That gesture was as if he was trying to settle accounts with him.

As soon as Baili Rongzhen entered the inner space, Ten Emperor Uncle followed in. Compared with Baili Rongzhen's imposing manner of prosecuting his master, Ten Emperor Uncle was much more leisurely, with a faint smile on his face.

However, that gesture seems a bit conspiracy theory at first glance.

But walking together with Baili Rongzhen, why is it so harmonious, golden boy and jade girl.

The most beautiful gesture in life is probably when Baili Rongzhen is making trouble and Shihuangshu is laughing.

Following Baili Rongzhen's search in the inner space, there was no trace of the white tiger. Don't think about it, it must be a guilty conscience.hid.

(End of this chapter)

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