Chapter 611 [Buddha Son 1]

Isn't there nothing that can change his annoying face, so what is it today?It's not green for a while, but red for a while.It's really beautiful.

Yiying sat on the right hand of Uncle Ten Huang, and he felt Uncle Ten Huang's mood most vividly from the beginning to the end. Uncle Ten Huang was in a good mood, and Yiying became a little more courageous.

"My lord, is the tea from Ouyang's mansion still available?",
"Send, why don't you send it, the king will do what he says",
"Let the housekeeper arrange it later",
At this time, Uncle Shi Huang was even a little bit looking forward to what Ouyang Fengling's expression would be when he saw that cart of tea in Prince Qi's Mansion.It really made Ten Emperor Uncle happy today, it was more than killing Ouyang Villa without leaving a single piece, forcing Ouyang Fengling to recruit foreign aid, and making Ten Emperor Uncle happy.

The open and covert fights that Ouyang Fengling had fought were nothing more than petty fights between merchants. It was different from today's, they were fighting rivals in love.There is nothing more satisfying than slapping Ouyang Fengling in the face.

Although Uncle Ten Huang was talking about his boudoir affair with Baili Rongzhen, it shouldn't have been mentioned.But if Ouyang Fengling was slapped in the face, Ten Emperor Uncle would not hesitate.

Even if Baili Rongzhen found out and would roll her eyes at him, he didn't mind.

Thinking of Ouyang Fengling's changed face, Uncle Ten Huang had the urge to throw a big feast to celebrate.But Uncle Ten Huang soon calmed down his emotions. If Uncle Shi Huang cared so much about Ouyang Fengling, then Uncle Ten Huang would lose his worth.

This arrogant man never admitted that he really regarded Ouyang Fengling as an opponent.Became a rival in love, and the most threatening rival in love.

Ever since Uncle Ten Huang had Baili Rongzhen, his personality has also become awkward.

In the private room of the teahouse, Ouyang Fengling looked at the back of Uncle Shi Huang leaving with indifferent eyes, and his eyes were lifeless, and he was in a trance.

"Patriarch, that King Qi is really rude." The family boy who had been standing behind Ouyang Fengling looked at the direction in which Uncle Ten Huang left, and his tone was not very good.

In his eyes, Uncle Ten Huang was rude, arrogant, and conceited.Even more shameless.That man will show off his boudoir affairs.

But Ouyang Fengling didn't think so in his heart.His mind was full of digesting what Uncle Ten Huang said just now, she didn't come to the teahouse today because Uncle Ten Huang didn't know how to restrain himself?
At this moment, Ouyang Fengling's face turned red.The fact that he had been ignoring all this time came rushing towards him like this.Yes, she is the princess, the most precious woman in the world.I thought it was a woman.Serving your husband is a matter of course.

But why can't he accept this fact?

He has never thought about these things. In fact, Mr. Ouyang is very innocent. At his age, he may have already married and his children can go to school, but he has never touched a woman.

In this dynasty, before a man had a ceremony, he already had a housemate, but he didn't have one, and he didn't want to.

So now Mr. Ouyang, who is full of learning and wealth, is actually a virgin.

Uncle Ten Huang had also figured this out, so he deliberately said this. They all said that hitting a snake hits seven inches. Isn't this the same as Ouyang Fengling's seven inches.

Beat him to the brink of death.

He thought repeatedly in his heart, does he mind?If Baili Rongzhen really followed him, would he mind if he wasn't her first man?

The answer is mind, really mind, there is no man who does not mind, but mind belongs to mind
(End of this chapter)

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