Chapter 612 [Buddha Son 2]

The answer is yes, I really do, there is no man who doesn't mind, but if he minds, he still can't get rid of Mr. Ouyang's attachment to Baili Rongzhen.

In fact, he hasn't figured it out yet. According to Ouyang Fengling's personality, since he is persistent, he doesn't mind.If you get it, you will take it seriously.

Too bad he's still torturing himself.

Coming out of the teahouse, Ouyang Fengling walked on the street, still in a daze, he didn't know what he was thinking, his mind was blank.

"My lord, is there anything bothering you?"
A monk in cassock blocked Ouyang Fengling's way, and looked at Ouyang Fengling with a smile.

Ouyang Fengling glanced at the monk indifferently, and walked away in a detour.The monk was not angry, but kept following Ouyang Fengling, not stepping forward.Always keep a few feet away.

If someone said that Mr. Ouyang was angry, and Mr. Ouyang's tone was bad, no one would believe it, but at this time Ouyang Fengling's temper was really bad.

Walking to the suburbs, Ouyang Fengling continued to walk forward, and the house boy followed behind his Patriarch.They have turned their heads countless times to look at the monks following them.

"Patriarch, that monk is really annoying, he has been following us",
Ouyang Fengling frowned.Turning around, looking at the monk indifferently: "Master, if you want to ask for alms, find someone else. We don't have money",
"No, no, I don't want money",
If it was a normal day, Ouyang Fengling would definitely ask the family boy to give the monk a few taels of silver.But now he really doesn't have the mood to meddle in those nosy things.He has a bad temper and doesn't want to give money.

Ouyang Fengling had never had this kind of emotion. He was angry when he saw that everything was not going well.

"Then you go, I have nothing to give you",
"I don't want to donate anything, on the contrary, I will help the donor to get what he wants",
"What do I want? Haha, the host knows what I want?",
"What the young master wants is nothing but the **** that the young master could not have obtained in his previous life",
"Haha, it turns out that I have never obtained it in my previous life and this life, so what am I expecting? It's better to stop thinking about it earlier." Ouyang Fengling's tone was neither painful nor itchy, and his tone was not sentimental.

It seems to be chatting with the monk, and it seems to be talking to himself.

"Thank you for the host's clarification." Ouyang Fengling bowed deeply to the monk.Then let the house boy give a tael of silver to the monk, and then left.

The monk looked at the inexplicably extra silver taels in his hand, and he was in a bad mood, obviously he was approaching Ouyang Fengling, trying to help him to believe in him, how did it become like this?

The confusion was resolved, but he rejected him thousands of miles away.

The monk quickly chased after him with his cassock: "Benefactor, please wait, donor, please wait",
The monk blocked Ouyang Fengling's way, and said, "Benefactor, is it because the old monk has fulfilled his thoughts for the benefactor that the benefactor is willing to trust the old monk?",
Ouyang Fengling looked at the monk with a faint smile. Ouyang Fengling, who had recovered at this time, softened his whole body, "What does the host want me to believe in you? You might as well clear up the confusion."
"The old man wants the young master to accompany me back to Yixiantian",
Ouyang Fengling knew about Yixiantian, it was a legend, it was said that Yixiantian was the residence of living Buddhas in the world, and the Buddhas living inside were extremely powerful and mysterious.

Even though everyone knows that there is a Buddha, no one has actually seen a Buddha.

(End of this chapter)

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