Chapter 613 [Buddha Son 3]

Even though everyone knows that there is a Buddha, no one has actually seen a Buddha.

"The host means that I may be a Buddha scattered in the world?",
"Yes, the donor is not only a Buddha, but also the Lord Buddha. My Buddha has waited for the Lord Buddha for thousands of years, and I hope that the Lord Buddha will return to his place and lighten my Buddha Mountain",
The monk said it strictly, it didn't seem like he was lying at all, but unfortunately even if he is really the Lord Buddha who rules the growth of all things, he still doesn't have any attraction to him. The head of the Ouyang family was also designed by the old guys of the Ouyang family, so he was the one.

Buddhist son?What's the difference with the Patriarch of Ouyang's family, but it has more power, which is not what Ouyang Fengling yearns for at all.

The life he likes is nothing more than a man farming and a woman weaving, and he rests at sunset.

It's so simple and comfortable.

Seeing that Ouyang Fengling didn't speak, the monk was not so sure about planning a strategy.He had already inquired about everything about Ouyang Fengling, including Baili Rongzhen.

This was an unending fate.

In the previous life, the Lord Buddha was depressed, and in this life, Baili Rongzhen is Ouyang Fengling's only attachment. I don't know if there is a law in all things, and it has been determined somewhere.

They were not on the same path of reincarnation, but they still met, and he still fell in love with her hopelessly.

The monk shook his head, expressing that he didn't understand why there were these life and death partings, and it was a love that made people dream of life and death.His dharma name is Le Jia, but he has never known what joy feels like. People in Yixiantian seem to have no emotions, only missions.

But the main god is different. The main god is born different from them. He has the seven emotions and six desires, and it is these seven emotions and six desires that make him endure and stay in reincarnation.

The next moment, Ouyang Fengling smiled lightly: "Master, it's getting late, and I'm going back to the house next time."
Speaking of Ouyang Fengling, he disappeared directly in front of the monk. Ouyang Fengling's gentle and refined appearance on weekdays even made everyone forget that his cultivation base is unpredictable, and his Taoism is even more amazing. Those eyes can even See through the past and present.

In this world, the only people he can't see through his fate are Uncle Shihuang and Baili Rongzhen.By the way, there is also himself, fortune-telling is not self-calculation, this is the rule.

These rules are not from where he read them, but that he suffered from smallpox when he was a child and narrowly escaped death.After being alive, he will naturally know many things.

Back at Ouyang Villa, Ouyang Fengling kept recalling what the monk said in his mind. In fact, he still believed it to a certain extent. If he was an ordinary person, what happened to his eyes that could see through other people's fate?Those souls, demons and ghosts saw him and ran away as if they had seen the king of Hades.

No matter how powerful Li Gui is, when he sees him, he will be respectful and be used by him.

How to explain these?

It's just that he doesn't want to believe it, because that kind of status means that he needs to bear more responsibilities.Even the status of the eldest son of the Ouyang family now makes him bear the fate of the Ouyang family that he doesn't want to bear.What if it is the Lord Buddha?Is it the common people in the world?

Why is it him that allows a person who is indifferent to fame and wealth to have such an identity?

For the next few days, Ouyang Fengling stayed in Ouyang Villa and did not go out. He was trying to escape.

Until the Ten Emperors Uncle sent Biluochun with a carriage,

(End of this chapter)

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