Chapter 616 [Buddha Son 6]

When he came to the holy place of the Buddhist world, Le Jia saw that in front of him were several elders from the Buddhist world, surrounding Le Jia.

"How, have you seen the Lord God?",
"Have you found the relic? Has he returned to his throne voluntarily?",
"Hey, old man, you ask so many questions at once, how does Le Jia answer?",
Le Jia rubbed the back of his bald head with a silly smile, he was not as difficult as he was in front of Ouyang Fengling at all, and returned to the Buddha Realm, so he recovered himself.But he is a very handsome guy, the Sixth Generation of Living Buddha No.30.

"Great Elder, I have found the relic, but I have not seen the Lord Buddha",
"When the Lord Buddha was with the Demon Lord, the disciples did not dare to act rashly. Once they were rejected for a visit, they never went again",
The faces of these elders became serious because of Le Jia's words.

The second elder narrowed his eyes: "Then did you follow what I told you with the relic?",
"Speaking of which, he doesn't seem to want to believe in his master Buddha, and even avoids his disciples. One can't come out in Ouyang Mansion",
Pa, the second elder directly slapped Le Jia on the head: "He doesn't leave the mansion, you don't know to go to Ouyang mansion to find him",
The other elders standing aside kept scanning the second elder and Le Jia.With a fierce look on his face.

"Second brother, what did you teach Le Jia? Couldn't it be another dirty trick?",
The second elder was a little guilty, but he said loudly: "What kind of insidious trick, I just asked Le Jia to lie to Sarizi to say that he is the main god, so that he can return to Yixiantian",
"I have returned to the God Realm, and I am afraid that he will not return to his place."

"Absurd, absurd, how can God Realm be unhealthy. Second child, go to the court by yourself",
"Why, why?"

When the Great Elder called out to the Dharma Hall, the Dharma Hall's guiding light came naturally. There was no need for any guards. As long as the Buddhist disciples made mistakes, the Dharma Hall would automatically punish them, just like the current Second Elder.

Le Jia looked confused, still not knowing why, why the second elder was punished.

Other Le Jia is the sixth generation reincarnation of Living Buddha No. 30, but he is an idiot who doesn't understand anything. He is born lacking in emotions and desires, and he doesn't understand the world, so he has always been the best in execution, so this time he will let He's going to do it.But instead of doing it well, it was ruined.

The culprit is still the respected Second Elder.

"Eldest brother, it seems that this matter has to be discussed in the long term."
At this moment, the Sixth Elder stood up: "Big Brother, Third Brother, I'll go this time, and I promise to let Relic return to Yixiantian willingly."
Everyone's eyes lit up. These words were a military order. If the relic was not returned, his punishment would be even harsher than that of the second elder.This is a punishment that no one can help.

The Sixth Elder didn't speak, and directly dragged Le Jia down to the lower realm.

He dared to issue a military order, so he was sure of it.Hmph, don't believe this time, Ouyang Fengling won't give in.Isn't it just a sarira, it has such a big airs, if the sarira is not a necessary condition for the main god to be classified, they would not have paid attention to Ouyang Fengling.

Two monks came out of the Tianzi room of the inn, which made Xiaoer's eyes straight. It was obvious that one monk was staying, so why did it become two?

The masculinity was prevalent in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Could it be that monks are also masculine?No wonder there are only monks in the temple, a temple is a temple, and a nunnery is a nunnery.

(End of this chapter)

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