Chapter 617 [Empathy 1]

The masculinity was prevalent in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Could it be that monks are also masculine?No wonder there are only monks in the temple, a temple is a temple, and a nunnery is a nunnery.

Is it true that masculinity is prevalent in temples?My dear boy, I'm going to school soon.My boy said the day before yesterday that he was going to worship, so he had to go home to stop him from going.

Le Jia looked at the waiter looking at him in confusion. Although he was puzzled, he would never step forward to ask.

After leaving the inn, Le Jia took the Sixth Elder directly towards the Ouyang family.

He didn't know what the Sixth Elder was going to do, anyway, he just led the way.

Two monks knocked on the door of Ouyang's house for a while, and the doorman finally came to open the door. When he opened it, he saw that it was a monk, and said, "Wait a minute",
Then close the door quickly.Le Jia and Sixth Elder stared at the closed door at the same time. Le Jia's expression on his face was puzzled, but Sixth Elder's face was gloomy. If it wasn't for hiding the existence of the Buddhist world, he wouldn't have been shut down here. He entered Ouyang Villa with a wave of his hand.

He has been hidden in the world of Buddha for so long, and he must be beautiful when he is born. He endured it, endured it, and the sixth elder kept hypnotizing himself in his heart.

After a quarter of an hour, the door opened again. It was the same doorman just now, but there were a few more steaming doors in his hand.

"Hurry up and eat, I asked for it from my aunt in the kitchen",
There was a smile on the corner of Le Jia's mouth, the little boy must have regarded them as monks begging for money.He took the steaming steamed buns, not to mention coming here early in the morning, and he didn't have time to eat breakfast.

Le Jia naturally gnawed on the steamed buns.

The Sixth Elder gave Le Jia a hard look.He directly opened the hand of the steamed bun handed over by the little doorman: "Go, go, go, whoever wants your steamed bun, go and inform your master, saying that there are two monks looking for it",
The hand was slapped away, but the doorman was not angry, he still looked at the two monks with a smile, and suddenly realized: "So you are here to find the Patriarch, I thought you were begging for alms, and I didn't tell you about the steamed buns specially."
These few words made the six elders choke and smoke from their seven orifices, and they were very angry: "Hurry up and report to your Patriarch",
Seeing that the little door boy was unmoved, Le Jia walked up to the little door boy while gnawing on steamed buns: "Little brother, is the head of your house no longer?",
The doorman was very friendly to the pleasant-looking Le Jia, and nodded: "Well, I went to the temple early in the morning, saying that I went to seek peace of mind."
"Leaving early in the morning",
"Then let's say goodbye and come back another day",
"it is good!",
Le Jia and the sixth elder with an angry face headed towards the temple, which is five kilometers away from the temple. Do they want to walk like this?Very resentful.It's just a relic, and it's really exhausting to go through such a lot of trouble.

Le Jia saw that the Sixth Elder was about to reach out to touch the center of his eyebrows, and immediately frowned: "The Sixth Elder should not use spells, there are eyeliners all over here, it will definitely be exposed."

Hmph, the Sixth Elder snorted coldly and shook his sleeves.Still gave up.

But the tone of Le Jia's words was not good: "I don't know if you have something wrong with your brain or something, but you are talking nonsense with children",
"Damn it, it makes me uncomfortable to think about it. I'm actually a monk who begs for alms, and I don't know how to alms for his ancestors."
The Sixth Elder's temper has always been so violent, Le Jia didn't care about it, and he didn't say much.The Sixth Elder couldn't see through it at all, and that little door boy would definitely be a hero in time.

(End of this chapter)

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