Chapter 631 [Death of Ten Emperor Uncles 4]

"Princess, this is a shadow",
"See Princess!"

"Well, get up, I'm looking for you to ask something",
Then Baili Rongzhen began to ask about the changes of Ten Emperor Uncle last night. In the study, Yiying left Baili Rongzhen, and told Baili Rongzhen about Ten Emperor Uncle's every move.

As expected of a person who follows Uncle Shihuang, he naturally understands Uncle Shihuang's thoughts best. He will tell Baili Rongzhen carefully what Baili Rongzhen asks, and his attitude towards Baili Rongzhen is the same. It seems to be as serious and respectful as the attitude towards Uncle Ten.

This made Baili Rongzhen feel much better.

The tenth emperor's uncle is gone, and her most important thing now is to stabilize the tenth emperor's power. When he comes back, not to mention returning him to a higher level, at least it can't be worse than it is now.

Baili Rongzhen has such a character, if you don't do it, don't do it, if you want to do it, try your best to do your best, this is Baili Rongzhen.

As soon as Yiying's words fell, Baili Rongzhen fell into deep thought. Did Uncle Ten Huang go to Chenjiazhuang to look for her last night?Why didn't she see it?And Yiying said that Uncle Shihuang vomited blood on the way back.

But what made Uncle Ten Huang feel so angry that he vomited blood?

Is it because of yourself?Baili Rongzhen was very sure that she was the only one who could make Uncle Shi Huang feel emotional and couldn't control his anger.Changing to anyone will definitely not have such an effect.

But she didn't do anything in Chenjiazhuang. She and Ouyang Fengling searched around Chenjiazhuang, but they didn't find any zombies.

It was also suggested by Ouyang Fengling, maybe Chenjiazhuang set up an enchantment.Those zombies are all in the enchantment.At that time, Baili Rongzhen felt a sense of conspiracy.

After a lot of hard work with Ouyang Fengling, they finally found the barrier, broke the barrier, and indeed there were a few zombies.

When the zombies saw Baili Rongzhen, of course they bowed their heads and surrendered. They didn't let Baili Rongzhen subdue them at all.Seeing it, Ouyang Fengling was extremely surprised.

According to Bai Lirong's personality, since Ouyang Fengling was a friend, he naturally didn't choke, and used his summoning technique generously to send those zombies back to the corpse pile in the imperial mausoleum.

It was fast and slow, and it only took an hour before she said goodbye to Ouyang Fengling and returned to the palace.

Logically speaking, Uncle Ten Emperor would never suffer any blow because of her?
But Baili Rongzhen could only find the problem from herself, could it be Ouyang Fengling?
Baili Rongzhen narrowed her eyes slightly. In the previous life, she was betrayed by the closest person. In this life, Baili Rongzhen took her feelings very seriously. Whether it was Uncle Shihuang or Ouyang Fengling, she was very serious. Be careful.

Baili Rongzhen thought about it back and forth, but she was still sure it couldn't be Ouyang Fengling.But who is it?

It was definitely a well-planned conspiracy. Everyone around her was included in it. Could it be aimed at her?
Baili Rongzhen's first impression was Di Shitian, but after thinking about it, Ten Emperor Uncles didn't take Di Shitian seriously at all, which proved that Ten Emperor Uncles were superior to Di Shitian in terms of strategy and cultivation. , will definitely not be God's release.

Who is that?

Immediately, Baili Rongzhen felt that she couldn't breathe. The hidden enemy was too powerful. Baili Rongzhen didn't know if Uncle Ten Huang had seen through it.

The thrilling scene last night scared Baili Rongzhen,
(End of this chapter)

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