Chapter 632 [Death of Ten Emperor Uncles 5]

The thrilling scene last night scared Baili Rongzhen, but calm down and think about it, Uncle Shihuang said that he is immortal and will never disappear. Has he returned to the Demon Realm?

Could it be that Uncle Ten Emperor was acting the same as when he left that time, acting for the enemy, it was too realistic, so realistic that Baili Rongzhen was heartbroken.

But now Baili Rongzhen had figured it out, and quickly stabilized her mind.Looking up at Yixin and Yiying below, Baili Rongzhen suddenly felt that she was burdened a lot.

On the one hand, the one in Zhouxuan Palace might be the one to stabilize the power of the Ten Emperor Uncles, and on the other hand, it is an enemy so powerful that they have no clue.

But pressure is motivation.

"One heart, one shadow, I think you all know that now that the ten emperors are gone, I hope you can stabilize those dark forces",
"Since Uncle Ten Huang chose you to serve him personally, he naturally trusts you, and I will leave the rest to you."
"Princess, little one knows",
"Yes, Princess",
Regarding Baili Rongzhen's entrustment, although the two of them didn't have any expression, let alone a look in the eyes, their cold hearts turned out to be warm where they couldn't see it.

A few words from Baili Rongzhen made their hearts, which had been depleted, seem to come alive.

"Well, with your words, I feel relieved. When Uncle Ten Huang comes back, we will return him a peaceful and prosperous life."
"Princess, will the master come back?",
"Yes, I will." Looking at Baili Rongzhen's determined and shining eyes, they believed that their godlike master would come back.

One heart and one shadow retreated. As for the servants of the palace who heard the news yesterday, Baili Rongzhen went to the housekeepers of the palace again. Baili Rongzhen can also trust these people who were reused when the Ten Emperors' Uncles were here.

There is no need to use people who are suspicious.She also wants to use the art of the emperor.

Baili Rongzhen realized that helping the Tenth Emperor's Uncle to keep his power and running the businesses he had developed was not at all easier than the one in the palace.

Now she finally understood why Uncle Ten Huang spent so much time in the study.It seems that she will spend most of her time in the study in the future.

Baili Rongzhen quickly sorted out the clues, and reacted very quickly. After a quarter of an hour of confusion, she became extremely rational.

Uncle Ten Emperor returned to the Demon Realm, his whole body became colder than before, and the weather was extremely uncertain.

On the second day after returning to the Demon Realm, Ten Emperor Uncles made a big effort to rectify the Demon Realm, pulling out all the gnawing teeth accumulated over thousands of years.

Who didn't do something absurd and make mistakes.

But the Demon Envoys of the Demon Realm, presumably the other people of the Demon Realm, are simply worlds apart, they are very excited.The demon king finally came back.

Although there is no chaos in the demon world governed by demon envoys, its majesty is not as good as before.

The Demon Lord turned around, and they saw the prosperous Demon Realm that dared to challenge the Heaven Realm again.

Uncle Shihuang never mentioned Baili Rongzhen, he was busy all day and didn't let himself be idle.Baili Rongzhen seemed to have completely disappeared from Di Shitian's life.

He is Di Shitian now, Mozun Di Shitian, not the tenth emperor uncle who loved Baili Rongzhen deeply, the tenth emperor uncle is dead, from now on he will be only Di Shitian, a Di Shitian who has no other distractions.Naturally, there was no place for Baili Rongzhen.

PS: Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone, let’s all eat zongzi, beware of zombie zongzi! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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