Chapter 643 [Born Experience 3]

There was no response, the key was that Le Jia and the Sixth Elder were not aware of it, thinking that Baili Rongzhen was a shadow in the dark, and in an instant, a shadow really appeared in front of Baili Rongzhen.

"En!", Baili Rongzhen gave a faint grace, if you don't come out, do you want me to invite you out in person?

Yiying looked at Baili Rongzhen suspiciously, it was obvious that he wasn't talking to him at all, but was there anyone else?Yiying didn't speak, and hid his figure in an instant. Since he wasn't called, it's better for him to stay in the dark.

He is used to a dark life and doesn't like light very much, as if he has been shamed all his life, but he is used to it, and he has had this awareness since he decided to be a dark guard.

The next moment, Baili Rongzhen's smile widened even more, but it was obviously with a serious look: "You two, do you really want me to invite you? This queen doesn't know yet, isn't the monk compassionate? It turns out that it is so easy to do things like stealing chickens and dogs. ",
At this moment, Le Jia and the Sixth Elder's complexions were not good. Could it be that they were talking about?Two monks, who else is a monk besides them.

The next moment, they directly removed the invisibility talisman and appeared in front of Baili Rongzhen respectfully.

"Meet the Lord Buddha"

"Meet the Lord Buddha!!!",
Now Baili Rongzhen was dumbfounded, she had offended some enemies unintentionally when the two monks followed her all the way, but now Baili Rongzhen has offended quite a few enemies.

And a few days ago, her identity as the mysterious master of the lore killer organization was also exposed. Earlier, in order to gain a foothold, lore had offended other killer organizations, so it was only natural that she would be found on her head.

Squinting her eyes and staring at the two monks kneeling in front of her, Baili Rongzhen actually saw her sincerity.Is their respect genuine?

It can't be wrong to feel that way.That's how she felt when those zombies saluted her.

Lord Buddha?It's funny.In the next moment, Baili Rongzhen smiled like a flower. She is a zombie and an evil thing. How could she be the Lord Buddha?
One is evil, and the other is the Lord Buddha full of righteousness.

Baili Rongzhen thought it was funny.

"Okay, this joke is not funny at all",
"I am a zombie, and I am the true god of the zombie world, not some kind of Lord Buddha",
Baili Rongzhen deliberately said that she was a zombie, just to see their reaction, but Baili Rongzhen was disappointed, there was no emotion in their eyes, do they know her details?

"You know I'm a zombie?",
"Lord Buddha, this is just for time. When you return to Yixiantian and refine the relics, you will recover your Buddha body."
"You were never a zombie",
The sixth elder opened his mouth, and when he mentioned zombies, he looked disgusted. How could such a lowly evil thing deserve to be compared with the main Buddha of their Buddhist world?
At this moment, the Sixth Elder even forgot that Baili Rongzhen was also a zombie.

The contemptuous gaze did not escape Baili Rongzhen's eyes at all. Whether these two monks were insane or something, Baili Rongzhen didn't have so much energy to waste with them.

Without saying a word, he turned and prepared to leave.

"Lord Buddha, you have to trust us",
"You are really the Lord Buddha of the Buddhist world, we are here to take you back to Yixiantian",
"One-line sky?", I have heard one-line sky several times from the mouths of the two monks, Baili Rongzhen always feels a familiar feeling,

(End of this chapter)

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