Chapter 644 [Born Experience 4]

"A line of sky?", Baili Rongzhen has heard a few times of a line of sky from the mouths of two monks, Baili Rongzhen always feels a familiar feeling, but she is sure that there is no line of sky in her cognition, Even Uncle Ten Huang didn't mention it.

By accident, Baili Rongzhen stopped and asked, "What do you need from me?",
Baili Rongzhen has always known that there is no such thing as a free lunch or a plan, so there is no need to waste so much trouble.

Under Baili Rongzhen's sharp eyes, they dare not hide anything. If Baili Rongzhen is really a zombie, they don't care at all, but the key point is that she is the supreme Lord Buddha in their Buddhist world. .

"Leading the world of Buddhism",
Then, the Sixth Elder didn't speak. He looked at Baili Rongzhen nervously. He was afraid that Baili Rongzhen wouldn't believe it, and she would believe it, so he didn't want to do it at all.

Baili Rongzhen pondered the meaning of this sentence in her heart.

"Your Buddhist world is hidden in the world now?",
"Yes, Lord Buddha",
For a moment, Baili Rongzhen believed that she was really the main Buddha they were talking about. She knew about the Buddhist world. It was when she was chatting with Uncle Ten Huang. Uncle Ten Huang said that the Buddhist world had been hidden for thousands of years. unknown.

Di Shitian searched for thousands of years but failed to find the location of the hidden world of the Buddha world. Now that they have confidence in telling the hidden place of the Buddha world, are they so sure that they will not betray them?
But she really didn't have that thought. Di Shitian was the enemy of Uncle Shihuang and Baili Rongzhen, and the enemy of the enemy was also a friend. That is to say, the Buddhist world was now on the same line as them.

"What can you give me?",
"Lord Buddha, the supreme right, as long as the Buddha world returns, the entire Buddhist world will listen to the call of the Lord Buddha",
Baili Rongzhen smiled: "Then what if I make you enemies against Heaven?",
"Sweet as sweet",
"What is your identity? Why should I trust you?",
"Lord Buddha, I am the sixth elder of the Buddhist world, this is the sincerity of our Buddhist world." The sixth elder took out the seven-colored Buddhist bead.Although Baili Rongzhen didn't know what it was, she could feel the powerful spiritual power inside.

"Master, take it, take it." In the inner space, Baihu shouted excitedly to Baili Rongzhen, for fear that she would refuse.

It's a pity that the seven-color Buddha beads didn't give Baili Rongzhen a chance to refuse, and directly rushed into Baili Rongzhen's body.The things that were originally Baili Rongzhen's returned to her body did not cause her any discomfort.

If the things are taken away, is it soft-mouthed and short-handed?But Baili Rongzhen wasn't embarrassed at all.She didn't take it by herself, but the thing flew into her body by itself.

Seeing the reluctance on the sixth elder's face, Baili Rongzhen suddenly felt relieved.Even though it was the first time they met, why did she feel that she had a monstrous hatred for those two monks?

Originally, the whole person was patient, but now he became a little impatient, but Bai Lirong suppressed it: "Okay, the Queen of Japan will reply to you in a few days",
"Yes, Lord Buddha",
Under the respectful eyes of the two monks, Baili Rongzhen disappeared in place.

Today's adventure didn't make Baili Rongzhen feel anything. In her eyes, it was just a transaction, and both money and goods got paid.

Thousands of years of confidence in the Buddhist world, but it caught Baili Rongzhen's eyes,
(End of this chapter)

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