Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 102 Yu Xiangcheng Cried

Chapter 102 Yu Xiangcheng Cried (2)
Bei Chenxing, who was about to molested his nephew, heard Yu Xiangcheng's sobbing voice on the other end of the phone. He couldn't believe it, and then immediately panicked: "Xiang Cheng told uncle, what's wrong, who bullied you?" Can he not panic, how long has it been since he heard Yu Xiangcheng call his uncle, no matter how intimidating and tempting he is, this kid keeps his mouth tight and doesn't call, but today he not only took the initiative to call his uncle, but also sounded like I have cried.

This is simply more doomsday than the end of the world.

"I'm fine, I just miss my uncle suddenly." The child's dependence in Yu Xiangcheng's voice made Bei Chenxing feel even more distressed.

"Where are you, uncle will pick you up right away."

"Okay." Reporting the address, Yu Xiangcheng obediently sat on the sofa and waited for Beichenxing to pick him up.

At this time, the woman beside Beichenxing watched him put on his clothes dissatisfiedly, and complained: "Which woman in Beichenxing gave you an illegitimate child, which made you feel so distressed."

The woman's words immediately made Bei Chenxing's eyes turn cold after he finished speaking, and then he looked sharply at the woman in the middle of the road, reached out and took out a check, drew a number on it, threw it in the woman's face, and said coldly: "Don't contact me again. "After finishing speaking, he left, completely ignoring the begging of the woman behind him.

How could he, who loves Cheng Zhibao so much, let Biren verbally insult him?Even if that person is a woman I really like, I can't do it. Use the fastest speed to get to the villa, then take Yu Xiangcheng to the hotel where I live, and then ask the hotel staff to prepare the food that Yu Xiangcheng likes to eat.

The two started gobbling up at the dining table, and even their movements were the same. People said that the nephew was like an uncle. The two of them lay on the sofa after eating and drinking. Bei Chenxing pulled Yu Xiangcheng into his arms, and then Seriously asked: "Tell uncle what's going on."

This time, Yu Xiangcheng didn't play sloppy with him, but sat up straight on the sofa obediently, then looked at his uncle with all serious eyes and asked, "Uncle, you said that if my mother has younger brothers and sisters, what will happen?" If not, don't want me."

Yu Xiangcheng's words surprised Bei Chenxing in reality, and then filled his heart with distress. He hugged him in his arms and Bei Chenxing began to talk to him slowly: "Why did Xiang Cheng say that?"

"It was Mu Chen's father who said that there might be Xia Andy's child in Mummy's belly." When Yu Xiangcheng said this, there was an unconcealable disappointment in his voice.

Bei Chenxing could only hold Yu Xiangcheng tightly in his arms, and then explained softly: "Whether Xiang Cheng has a younger brother or sister in her womb, mother will not abandon Xiang Cheng. Have you forgotten how your mother loved you in the past seven years?"

Although he said this, Bei Chenxing was still very worried, but he was worried about another thing, whether that man Xia Andi was sincere to his sister, but he knew that his sister had that man in her heart since seven years ago, or He would not give birth to Xiang Cheng for that man, and suddenly he thought of something: "Xiang Cheng, does Xia Andi know that you are his biological son?"

Suddenly Yu Xiangcheng became upset and fought back: "I don't want to be his son." He ran into the room without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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