Chapter 103 Young Madam (1)

The thoughts on Bei Chenxing's face, who was still sitting on the sofa, gradually became complicated, and then he picked up his mobile phone and dialed another man's number: "Hello, An Muchen? It's me."

"I know it's you, why did you think of calling me?" The voice of the thousand-year-old fox An Muchen was on the other end of the phone.

"Don't be joking about asking you to be serious." Bei Chenxing's voice was never serious.

"Well, let's talk." An Muchen also put away the joke.

"What do you think? Why did you let my sister go back to that man's side, and I heard from Xiang Cheng that my sister might already be pregnant with that man's child. Please explain to me what's going on."

"Is Xiang Cheng with you?"

"Where are you? When you called me today, you cried and asked me to pick him up. I didn't know what happened, so I quickly brought him here."

Xiang Cheng cried?This sentence deeply shocked An Muchen, and his tone immediately became worried: "What's wrong with him? What happened to him, why is he crying?" The last time I saw that kid cry was just six years ago What about when the hospital gave birth?

"It's okay, I'm just worried that Hai Nuo will lose him if he has a younger brother or younger sister." Yu Xiangcheng's precocity made the two men feel distressed, but there was nothing they could do, they could only love him more.

"I'll go see him tomorrow. As for Nuo, I know what I'm doing. You're more worried."

"Okay then, I'll go and see Xiang Cheng first, that's all for now."

Bei Chenxing was the first to hang up the phone on the other end. Hearing the beeping sound from the phone, An Muchen slowly got up and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and realized that looking into the distance, he was no longer as rebellious as usual. Instead, a slight sadness spread from his body to the air around him.

I don't know how long I stood there. When the morning sun rose from the horizon, An Muchen turned and went into the bathroom. Half an hour later, he came out of the bathroom neatly, with a fox-like smile on his mouth. When he received an invitation to shoot an advertisement from the Busman Group, he didn't intend to accept it, but now he has changed his mind.

He wants to pick it up, he likes the feeling of fighting side by side with Yu Hainuo, apart from the feelings in his heart, Yu Hainuo is really a great worker, it feels great to work with her.

When she woke up again, the man next to her was no longer there, and the clothes around her had been changed into pajamas, but she fell asleep as soon as she entered the room last night, and it was Xia Andy who woke her up and fed herself some food , and then he fell into a deep sleep, so now there is only one answer. The clothes are the pajamas that the man changed for him. Suddenly, his face became hot. After looking around the room, he did not see the figure of the man. A faint sense of loss suddenly emerged.

Get up, go into the bathroom to freshen up, then change clothes, Yu Hainuo went downstairs, did not see Yu Xiangcheng in the dining room, Yu Hainuo couldn't help but became worried, she was very clear about her son's daily routine, this time must be his It's meal time, why aren't you here?Could it be that he hasn't gotten up yet because he's sick, because only his son doesn't get up for breakfast when he's sick.

(End of this chapter)

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