Chapter 104 Young Madam (2)

He hurried upstairs to open Yu Xiangcheng's room, but there was no one there, Yu Hainuo's heart became even more flustered, and he hurried downstairs just in time to meet the housekeeper.

"What's wrong with you, young mistress, has something happened?" the butler asked respectfully.

"Where's my son? Where's Xiang Cheng?" Yu Hainuo's voice was very anxious.

"Young master was picked up by young mistress' younger brother Mr. Beichen last night." The housekeeper's words immediately restored Yu Hainuo's heart, but he also blamed himself in his heart, and Xiang Cheng didn't notice that he didn't see him all night.

The housekeeper who hadn't walked a few steps came back to stand up in front of Yu Hainuo again, and respectfully handed over the phone: "Young Mistress, Master asked you to answer the phone."

Yu Hainuo took the phone from the housekeeper's phone in doubt and put it in his ear: "Hello."

A very magnetic man's voice came from the other end of the phone immediately: "Have you eaten yet?"

Although he was very nervous, Yu Hainuo still kept his voice calm and replied: "Well, I just got up."

"Have you had breakfast?"

"Have not eat yet."

"Then have breakfast first and then come to the company. You must be present at today's meeting about advertising." After speaking, the other end of the phone was hung up, and Yu Hainuo held the phone in a daze. The magnetic voice just seemed to be still in his ears surround.

"Young Mistress, breakfast is already on the table. After you finish your breakfast, there will be a car outside to take you to the company." The butler's voice interrupted Yu Hainuo's lost thoughts, and he would just nod in a daze and then walk away numbly At the dinner table, the shock that Andy Xia gave her still showed no signs of fading.

After breakfast, Yu Heinuo went upstairs to change clothes. She thought she didn't have to go out today and she only wore casual clothes. Now that she knew that she was going to a meeting with the Busman Group, she needed to change into a more formal dress to make her feel aura More powerful.

Asking the driver to send herself to the building of the Busman Group, this is the second time Yu Hainuo has come here, so everything is not as strange as the first time, and her thoughts slowly began to calm down.

The receptionist was already waiting for Yu Hainuo at the gate, and when she saw her get off the car, she immediately greeted her: "Young Madam, please come with me, the chairman ordered me to take you to his office." The office ordered the people below to call Miss Aure Young Madam whenever they saw Miss Aure. Many staff who didn't know about the marriage seven years ago are still in a daze. They don't know why they called Aure Young Madam. The ex-workers immediately figured out Aure's identity by stringing things together, with women starting to envy her and men mourning the death of the girl of their dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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