Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 105 The Unfamiliar Yu Hai Nuo

Chapter 105 The Unfamiliar Yu Hai Nuo (2)
Yu Hainuo still looked at this scene with a blank face, then turned and left the office, and kindly closed the door for the people inside, and told the people outside not to go in to disturb her, and then she let the secretary take her there Downstairs conference room.

Maybe it was because she arrived early and there was no one in the conference room. At this time, there was a trace of silence on her face, and then a shallow sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, laughing at how stupid she was. Such a man has money and status, although There were no scandals about him on the news, but how could a man like him have no women.

Glancing at the calendar on the wall, Yu Hainuo's eyes slowly turned cold, then he took out his cell phone and made a call: "K, it's me." "Yes, I need your help." "If now What are the chances of people from the Busman family coming to compete with me to become me." "Not at all?" "Okay, I see, I will call you if there is anything."

After hanging up the phone, the expression in Yu Hainuo's eyes became even more indifferent, and there was no perfunctory smile on his face. He just sat there quietly and looked at the door of the meeting room, watching it being pushed away from the outside. , looking at the outsiders coming in one after another, looking at the eyes looking at him with different expressions, Xia Andi walked in at last, and Gu Nianqi followed behind him impressively, Gu Nianqi's face was full of tears. The blush and the inconceivable hickey on the neck made everyone understand what happened just now.

Everyone had some embarrassment on their faces, but An Muchen's face was full of worry. He walked up to Yu Hainuo and stood up. Seeing her indifferent expression, he hesitated to speak. He knew that such a Yu Hainuo might be She doesn't even want to wear that fake smile at the end. She is indifferent and indifferent. I'm afraid no one will be able to enter her world except Xiang Cheng.

No nonsense, as soon as Xia Andy sat down, he announced the meeting directly, and then the staff handed out the heart plan to everyone. Without looking at Xia Andy at all, she quietly flipped through the last page. She calmly raised her eyes to look at Xia Andy: "Explain."

With the corners of his lips raised slightly, Xia Andi glanced at Yu Hainuo sarcastically and did not speak. The one who spoke was Gu Nianqi, the woman next to him, with an unconcealable provocation in his tone: "You, Director Aure, won't understand this project?"

With a wave of his hand, the project proposal in Yu Hai Nuo's hands was instantly scattered on the table in the meeting room, and there were bursts of gasps all around. They couldn't believe that someone dared to get angry in front of their CEO, and then Yu Hai Nuo was slightly indifferent. A sarcastic voice resounded in the meeting room: "Mr. Xia, you are a tasteful upper-class person. If you dare to come up with such a rubbish plan, you are not afraid of losing the face of your big president. I am afraid of losing face of my Aure." That kind of tone is arrogant, and it is also unfamiliar to Leng Xiluo, in his memory, Yu Hainuo has always been just a quiet girl who likes to smile, but he has never seen her so domineering.

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(End of this chapter)

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