Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 141 Gossip Escalation

Chapter 141 Gossip Escalation (2)

Picking up the phone with trembling hands, Yu Hainuo dialed a number she was familiar with, and the phone was picked up after two rings. When Xia Andi on the other end saw the name on the phone, her heart was extremely complicated. But the heart that had been worrying for a few days suddenly calmed down. On the second day of the set, when Yu Hai Nuo didn't show up again, he anxiously thought that something happened to her, but she never disappeared until today. She suddenly received a call from her, which finally made him feel at ease, but he still had no expression and his voice was particularly indifferent, as if he was addressing a stranger: "Hey, who is it?"

The voice that seemed to be talking to a stranger completely calmed Yu Hainuo's heart, and he just said in a very formulaic way: "I'm sorry Mr. Xia Andi, I interrupted, I just want to ask you when you have time, let's go through the divorce agreement, You are getting married soon, and you don't want your future wife to sue you for bigamy." Yu Hainuo's voice was cold and sharp, without any emotion left.

The phone was quiet for a while, and when Hai Nuo thought that there was no one there, he spoke again: "Beichen Wanyue, is that why you don't want to have anything to do with me? Is that why you want to divorce me?"

"Xia Andi, do you think you have the right to say such things to me just after you have announced to the outside world that you are going to marry another woman?" Yu Hainuo asked the other end of the phone sarcastically.

Xia Andi was quiet for a while, and then came: "Come to my company in the afternoon." After speaking, the phone was hung up.

Yu Hainuo held the phone in a daze, and then tears slowly dripped down the corners of his eyes, then silently put down the phone, turned off the computer, walked to the window and stood up.

At this time, Yu Xiangcheng, who was standing outside the door, looked at Yu Hainuo's back with red eyes. He suddenly felt sorry for himself and hated why he was not an adult, so that he could prop up a piece of sky for his mother. No need for mother to worry about her all the time, and suddenly hated the man who was his father, why did he treat mother like that.

Keeping the resentment in his heart, Yu Xiangcheng walked into the ward with a lovely smile on his face, and then sweetly called out to the woman standing in front of the window: "Mom, the porridge is here, come and eat."

Walked to the table with a smile and sat down: "Thank you, son."

"You're welcome mom, you eat first, I can play computer."

"Okay." Then Yu Hainuo began to eat the porridge bought by Yu Xiangcheng quietly. When he opened the bowl slowly, the porridge overflowed. Together."

Yu Xiangcheng glanced at Yu Hainuo's bowl of porridge slowly: "That uncle said I was cute, so he added an extra spoonful for me." After speaking, Yu Xiangcheng turned his attention to the computer again. up.

Yu Hainuo was speechless in his heart for a while, and then focused on eating porridge again. After a while, Yu Xiangcheng said again: "Mom, where is uncle?"

"He's out on errands."

"Oh" After that, the mother and son were very quiet, one played computer and the other ate porridge, and no one spoke again.

Yu Xiangcheng looked at the computer intently, and the numbers were constantly updated on it. After a while, Yu Xiangcheng grinned. It was obvious that after the last time in the office, Xia Andi strengthened the computer defense, but these were still not enough for Xiangcheng. What a big problem, successfully deleted some information in the database of the Busman Group, Yu Xiangcheng quickly went offline to prevent being discovered, then quickly took out the network card and threw it out of the window, and then took out a spare from the bag Taking advantage of Yu Hainuo's inattention, he quickly clicked on the network card.

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(End of this chapter)

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