Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 142 Handsome Divorce

Chapter 142 Handsome Divorce (1)

At this time in the Busman Group, Xia Andi looked at the deleted files on the computer with stern eyes, and then yelled at the staff below: "Why do I support you? Is there no way to call Do I sit and watch company secrets get erased from my computer?"

The computer engineers in a dignified department can't deal with a hacker and can only watch the data being deleted, and the computer cannot be turned off, because the entire database will be emptied quickly once it is turned off.

Several standing directors of the computer engineering department were covered in cold sweat, but the hackers were too skilled, and they could do nothing: "I'm sorry, Chairman, we are really powerless, I am willing to take the blame and resign to take full responsibility. "The unlucky supervisor already knew his fate. The Busman Group has never used incompetent employees. If they are fired, they might as well take the blame and resign as a hero. This will make them look better.

"Okay, get the hell out of here." After speaking, several employees stumbled out of the president's office.

When Xia Andi was the only one left in the president's office, he sat in front of the computer with a sullen face, looking at the deleted data, knowing that 10 minutes later, the deletion of data on the computer screen suddenly stopped, Xia Andi immediately moved the mouse to want to He searched for the hacker's IP address, but in the end he was defeated. The other party went offline too quickly. Suddenly, a person sounded in his mind, but he shook his head in doubt, and finally he could only light a cigarette with a headache.

Here, Yu Xiangcheng opened a webpage and logged into his account. Yu Xiangcheng saw that the click-through rate of the video he uploaded last time was still high, and then he grinned. Suddenly, he had a bad idea in his heart, and finally Even his eyes narrowed into a slit in pride.

"Yu Xiangcheng, you picked up the money, and you smiled so treacherously." Yu Hainuo couldn't bear the treacherous corners of his son's face, and made her teacher sound like a fox trying to steal a chicken.

Under the watchful eyes of his mother, Yu Xiangcheng quickly put away the sinister corners of his mouth, and put on a good boy's face: "Mom, I just think that I am very happy to have a younger brother soon."

Thinking of his younger brother's face, Yu Hainuo was suddenly taken aback, and he couldn't help but start to worry, would the baby blame himself in the future, because his uncle tricked him into inheriting such a thing that would crush people without paying for his life? Big group, forget it, even her own brother has the expression of calculating him, well, she has already figured it out, Beichen Group is calculated by his uncle, just because he was not born and has no right to speak, as for him Brother, she can't control it either, that's the business of the two brothers.

Thinking of this, Yu Hainuo felt relieved: "Xiang Cheng, mom is going to visit the Busman Group in the afternoon, so you can just stay in the hospital and wait for me to come back, okay?"

"Okay." Yu Xiangcheng agreed obediently.

"Then Xiangcheng, what do you want to eat at night, mom will catch it for you."

Yu Xiangcheng turned around in his head and shook his head: "Whatever you want." Regarding her son's eating, Yu Hainuo has always been a rascal, she is most afraid of Yu Xiangcheng saying casually, this kid has never eaten since he was a child Snacks, the snacks that ordinary children eat, he never even glances at them, and he doesn’t eat sweets. The food he often buys is just shown to her and then thrown away. It got into her stomach and made her gain weight all the time.

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(End of this chapter)

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