Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 159 Xia Yunyi Miscarriage

Chapter 159 Xia Yunyi Miscarriage (6)

Leng Xiluo nodded silently, Xia Yunyi immediately jumped into Leng Xiluo's arms happily, and shouted: "Luo, Luo, Luo, I am so happy, you are finally going to marry me, do you know I have fantasized about this day for ten years, a whole ten years." Xia Yunyi's stupidity and Xia Yunyi's insanity all made Leng Xiluo feel sorry for her. At this moment, he silently swore in his heart that he would definitely treat this Hello girl, although he tried very hard to tell himself that he had to do this, but a shadow still emerged in his heart, and that shadow still stood so real in front of him.

Yu Hainuo knew that Leng Xiluo had discovered her, and just when Leng Xiluo was about to call her, she shook her head at him, opened her mouth and said something, then waved to Leng Xiluo, and then put the fruit in her hand. The basket and the words in Yu Xiangcheng's hands were placed on the ground, and then pulled Yu Xiangcheng to turn and leave the ward.

Looking at the back, Leng Xiluo knew that this time this woman was really going to leave his world completely. Although his heart ached a lot, he resisted watching her walk out of the ward and his world. At the same time, he kept shouting in his heart: "Nuo, you must be happier than me, happier than me."

Holding his mother's hand, Yu Xiangcheng tilted his neck and looked at the gentle side face of the person beside him and asked in confusion, "Mom, what is love?"

Yu Hainuo thought about it in his mind and then said: "Happiness is smiles, tears and blessings. You are still young, and when you grow up, you will understand when you meet the girl you love." When Yu Hainuo said this, the corner of Yu Hainuo's mouth With a shallow smile, in fact, she still has nothing to say, happiness is still composed of sadness, because when two people are happy, there may be one person crying silently in a corner that no one notices.

"Mom, I don't want a beloved girl, I just want to be with you forever."

"Silly boy, you will grow up and leave your mother." Although he was relieved, Yu Hainuo was still a person who was willing to face the reality.

"Mom, I won't."

"Mom wants Xiang Cheng to be happy, so when Xiang grows up, find a beautiful daughter-in-law to come with her and stay by her side."

Yu Xiangcheng thought about it seriously, and then nodded vigorously: "Okay, I must find a woman who is as beautiful and smart as my mother to be my wife." The seven-year-old precocious Yu Xiangcheng already knew that as a son, he could not go to his own His mother is his wife, but the influence Yu Hainuo gave him is still deeply rooted, just like in the four years when Yu Hainuo disappeared, Yu Xiangcheng kept the habits influenced by Hainuo very consistently, but that was all That's another story.

"Well, okay, Xiang Cheng must do what he says, men can't keep their promises."

"I won't, so mom, you have to keep the promise you promised to stay by Xiang Cheng's side all the time." When Yu Xiangcheng said this, his face was extremely serious.

Yu Hainuo suddenly burst out laughing, and Yu Xiangcheng looked at her dissatisfied: "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, I just remembered the conversation we had at the airport when we first came to Puhai, do you still remember what we said?"

"Remember, how could I forget." Yu Xiangcheng also smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth at this time.

: "Then Yu Hai Nuo, you have to promise Yu Xiangcheng that you will always be Yu Xiangcheng alone."

"Okay, Yu Hainuo will always be with Yu Xiangcheng alone."

(End of this chapter)

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