Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 160 Mother and Son Evil Andy Xia

Chapter 160 Mother and Son Evil Andy Xia (1)
Holding Yu Xiangcheng's extremely soft little hand, Yu Hainuo felt that he had never been so relaxed and comfortable in these years, and even the painful memories of those years became worthwhile at this moment.

The mother and son walked out of the hospital holding hands, and the reporters at the door had already scattered away: "Mom, why do you think there are reporters?"

Yu Hainuo thought for a while and said, "Because people are bored nowadays, so I made some gossip to pass the time."

"Then mom, look over there, isn't that person also a representative of the end of boredom?" Looking in the direction of Yu Xiangcheng's left hand, Yu Hainuo saw Xia Andi standing in a straight suit in the distance, she was puzzled, What's wrong with this man recently, his ghost always follows behind him.

Yu Hainuo originally wanted to directly pull Yu Xiangcheng to leave in another direction or simply take a taxi, but suddenly a thought flashed in her mind, and a small fox-like smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, making Yu Xiangcheng terrified "Mom, maybe you shouldn't smile so treacherously."

"Stinky boy, mom doesn't have a treacherous smile, it's a warm smile, okay?" Yu Hainuo was still arguing.

"Okay, tell me, what fun did you think of?" Yu Xiangcheng still didn't know his mother's virtues.

Yu Hainuo gave him an appreciative look: "As expected of my son, he knows your mother and me so well." After speaking, he glanced at Xia Andi.

Yu Xiangcheng immediately understood, the mother and son met each other's eyes, and then walked towards Xia Andi with a tacit understanding.

Yu Hainuo stood in front of Xia Andi with a smile and said nothing, while Yu Xiangcheng looked at Xia Andi with malicious intent: "Uncle, why are you here?" The simple expression on that face was as real as it could be.

Xia Andi's heart softened suddenly, and she suddenly thought about some things, so what about Xiang Cheng's child?What he loves is only Yu Hainuo and the things attached to her have nothing to do with her. When Gu Nianqi hit Yu Xiangcheng that day, he knew that he regretted it, because he knew that his heart was hurting, but he didn't know why he was so entangled in the past. What other wrong things did he do? He glanced at Yu Hainuo cautiously, but he had a headache and found that he didn't know what to do with this smart woman. She was too smart and saw things too thoroughly, so he didn't know what to do instead. .

And now he is still facing the matter of going to Gu Nianqi, he knows that this woman must hate him to the core, but for her, he still wants to marry Nianqi to the end, even if Beichen Wanyue hates him to the core... I also admit it, let him use the rest of his life to repay her.

Xia Andi slowly squatted in front of Yu Xiangcheng, and smiled at Yu Xiangcheng with a gentle face, with obvious flattery: "Xiangcheng, do you still blame uncle?"

Yu Xiangcheng was stunned by what he said, and looked at Xia Andi with big eyes without blinking. He was stunned for a moment, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said sweetly: "I don't blame uncle." At this moment, Yu Xiangcheng Xiang Cheng had a weird feeling in his heart, looking at the son standing in front of him, a man whom he didn't know, Xiang Cheng suddenly wanted to hug him, it turned out that in his heart he also longed for his father's love, but He can only keep all this in his heart, because he can't abandon his mother.

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(End of this chapter)

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