Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 161 Mother and Son Evil Andy Xia

Chapter 161 Mother and Son Evil Andy Xia (2)
Yu Xiangcheng's sudden silence made Yu Hainuo instantly know that he was unhappy, but she didn't know what he was unhappy about: "Xia Andi, what on earth are you here for, isn't it just to confess your past with a child? Then you should go to church and confess to God, not a child like you are doing now."

Yu Hainuo's words were very disrespectful to Xia Andi, and Xia Andi's face turned green and white: "Why do I have to go to the church to repent, can I go to the temple?" After finishing speaking, Xia Andi realized what he had just said, but regret has already passed. Before it was too late, what I said was like a married daughter, the water that was spilled could not be taken back.

After hearing Xia Andi's words, Yu Hainuo looked at him with a half-smile: "Temple? Does the temple dare to let you, a hollow carrot, go? Let me tell you, Xia Andi, you can only go to churches of foreigners like you. With our 5000-year-old Chinese culture, it’s better for you to weave and dye less.”

"Beichen Wanyue, what are you talking about?" Xia Andi was already angrily wanting to cut off the slender neck in front of her.

"That's how I talk, if you don't like it, get the hell out of here." At this moment, Yu Hainuo couldn't care less about her eldest lady's demeanor, and when she thought of what Xia Andy had done before, she was furious. If he doesn't frustrate his spirit, how long will he wait? If he is upset, he can choose to leave. No one wants him to suffer here. If he doesn't leave, then he deserves what he suffered.

"Beichen Wanyue, can't you be gentle?" Xia Andi was already angrily controlling her anger.

"Gentle." Yu Hainuo suddenly and slowly swayed the corners of his mouth. Although his smile was beautiful, Xia Andi was frightened when he saw it. Suddenly, Yu Hainuo moved his head close to Xia Andi's face, only one finger away: "Am I gentle now? "The tone of the speech was as gentle as possible, and Yu Xiangcheng, who was watching from the side, wanted to applaud her acting skills.

Xia Andy was stunned, she just nodded habitually, and then shook her head again.

Suddenly, Yu Hai Nuo's expression changed, and he grabbed Xia Andi's collar and said to himself: "Xia Andi, let me tell you, I'm not your women. They like your money, your people, and your power, but sister, I I don't like anything, I have a lot of money, sister, I don't lack everything, as for people..." Yu Hainuo suddenly let go of Xia Andi's collar, and then took two steps back, the right hand Time slowly stroked the chin, and then looked at Xia Andy in front of him like looking at an object.

After a while, he continued, "It's just so-so."

Just these three words drove Xia Andy into the abyss, and the CED of a dignified Bussman Group was disliked to such an extent on the street, and that person was none other than his wife legally. The woman Beichen Wanyue.

Staring fixedly at the arrogant woman in front of her, Xia Andi gritted her teeth and said, "Beichen Wanyue, shut up."

"If you tell me to shut up, I'll shut up. Who do you think you are." Yu Hainuo pushed back fearlessly.

"Okay, very good, Beichen Wanyue, you are very good." After saying this, Xia Andi suddenly leaned over and pulled Yu Hainuo in front of her into her arms, and then firmly trapped her struggling body, and then Bowing her head, she stabilized her chattering red lips, and she kept shouting from the bottom of her heart: "I call you Deser, you are Desert, Beichen Wanyue."

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(End of this chapter)

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