Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 172 Yu Xiangcheng's Calculations

Chapter 172 Yu Xiangcheng's Calculations (3)

Leading Yu Xiangcheng out of the hospital, Yu Hainuo's mood suddenly became extremely happy, and even the smile on his face became richer: "Mom, what are you laughing at?" Yu Xiangcheng was also infected with the child on his face Such a pure smile.

"Xiang Cheng, mother's heart suddenly let go, do you know? Seeing that your Uncle Xiluo and your Aunt Yunyi said that they are going to get married, I really feel relieved of you. I am afraid that your Uncle Xiluo will never let go of me. "Yu Hainuo didn't notice the worry in Yu Xiangcheng's eyes at the beginning of his speech, his mother's IQ has nothing to say, but his EQ is really not flattering.

Uncle Xiluo was obviously willing to marry Xia Yunyi because of his guilt towards Xia Yunyi, and even the miscarriage of the child he suspected could not be separated from Xia Yunyi himself. That woman couldn't see what she wanted for herself, because that woman There was greed in her eyes, even though she hid it well, Yu Xiangcheng still noticed it.

"Mom, why did you break up with Uncle Xiluo?" This was the first time Yu Xiangcheng asked about his mother's past relationship.

Yu Hainuo's thoughts suddenly drifted away slowly, and the reason for breaking up with Leng Xiluo was actually very vague to her all along, but seeing her son's serious expression that had never been seen before, Yu Hainuo said slowly after careful consideration : "Your Uncle Xiluo is my senior in college. I never thought I would meet such a person. Later, he told me to be his girlfriend, and he agreed. I was very happy in those two years, but just in When I was about to tell him that I fell in love, he stood in front of me with Mo Xiqian. He didn't say break up, but I knew that we couldn't go on with each other. Even though I knew he loved me, but he But I used another woman to test me, which I cannot tolerate, and then I met your grandparents who came to me, and then I went to England with them."

Yu Hainuo explained her past three years with a few simple words, but Yu Xiangcheng still had doubts. His mother said that he could not tolerate Uncle Xiluo's temptation, so why did Xia Andy forgive her for being like that? He sighed and said, "A grown-up's world is really complicated."

Yu Hainuo was amused by Yu Xiangcheng who was such a kid, and then happily held Yu Xiangcheng's hand: "What does my son want to eat?"

Yu Xiangcheng rolled his eyes and grinned: "Mommy made it."

This time it was Yu Hainuo's turn to be dumbfounded, and he was relieved after a while: "Where can I go shopping." Then the two walked towards the supermarket.

Yu Hainuo's craftsmanship can only be said to be so-so, but it is Yu Xiangcheng's favorite, because it has Yu Hainuo's taste: "Mommy, it's delicious."

Yu Hainuo watched his son wolfing down his food and couldn't help but smiled softly: "Eat slowly, I'll serve the soup." After speaking, he turned around and walked into the kitchen again.

Seeing the figure of Mommy disappearing into the kitchen, Yu Xiangcheng turned evil-heartedly, then took out his mobile phone, opened it and took a few photos on the table, then poured in the text message, added the number, and finally pressed send, and saw the phone Reminding that the MMS message was sent successfully, Yu Xiangcheng grinned, put the phone back in his pocket and continued to struggle.

PS: I'm sorry everyone, I've been busy with the project these days, and I haven't slept for several days. I really don't have time to write novels and novels. I'm really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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