Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 173 Yu Xiangcheng's Calculations

Chapter 173 Yu Xiangcheng's Calculations (4)

In the hospital ward, Xia Andi looked at the photos on the phone, and his heart began to feel cold. Who is this, what kind of child is this, is this a child?They came to provoke him even after being made like this by their mother and child. When he saw the last words on the phone, he hurriedly looked at the pictures again, and then his eyes were straightened. The best page of the text message just now reads: "Xia Old man, I am Yu Xiangcheng, the son of Yu Hainuo. Please remember my surname is Yu. Do you look greedy? Let me tell you, this is what Yu Hainuo cooked for me. You should continue to stay in the hospital and enjoy it, old man. .”

Look, look, is this a child's words?is this a childWhy is it so vicious, but he really wants to eat it, it looks really good, and it was made by Hai Nuo himself?Why do you have to let that brat dominate.

There was something even more extreme in the back. After eating, Yu Xiangcheng obediently stood behind Yu Hainuo, looked at Yu Hainuo's busy figure with blinking eyes, and said, "Mommy, let's go see Daddy." OK."

Where is Yu Hainuo suddenly stiff like that: "Daddy? Who?"

Yu Xiangcheng rolled his eyes and said, "The one lying in the hospital."

Yu Hainuo quickly understood: "You never called him daddy." It meant that Yu Xiangcheng was planning to do something bad again.

Yu Xiangcheng sighed suddenly and said, "Mommy, why are you not smart when you should be smart, and so smart when you shouldn't be."

Yu Hainuo suddenly became angry: "I'm not smart anymore."

Yu Xiangcheng quickly changed the subject, with a hint of coquettishness: "Mommy, let's go and have a look."

As soon as Yu Xiangcheng acted like a baby, the corners of Yu Xiangcheng's mouth would rise slightly, his eyes were narrowed into a slit, and his face was pink, and he seldom acted like a baby, so Yu Hainuo always had nothing to do with such Yu Xiangcheng: "Go sit in the living room and wait for me to tidy up." I'll take you there when I'm done."

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Yu Xiangcheng immediately stopped pestering Yu Hainuo, quickly moved the venue, and sat in the living room obediently waiting for Yu Hainuo.

When Hai Nuo finished packing and returned to the living room, he saw Yu Xiangcheng sitting on the sofa: "Xiang Cheng, pack everything up, let's go."

"Well, Mommy is waiting for me." After Yu Xiangcheng ran back to the room, Yu Hainuo watched him run out with a bag on his back. It was obviously different from the one he usually carried, but Yu Hainuo Without saying anything, they walked out of the room together holding Yu Xiangcheng's hand.

In the car, Yu Xiangcheng had been quietly playing with the computer in his hand, and Yu Hainuo suddenly thought of something: "Xiangcheng, do you want a daddy?"

Yu Hainuo was also alert to Yu Hainuo's words, but he still acted calmly: "Whatever, Mommy thinks it's fine." After listening to Yu Xiangcheng's words, Yu Hainuo didn't speak. After a while, Yu Hainuo suddenly saw Yu Xiangcheng Cheng stared at his stomach, and then only heard his last opening and closing: "Actually, it would be nice to have Mommy and brother."

In a word, Yu Hainuo knew that he had been wrong all these years. It wasn't that Yu Xiangcheng didn't want a father, but that she deprived him of the right to enjoy his father's love. No matter how sensible a child is, he still needs a complete family. In fact, there are common reasons for her sensibility. She is not a good mother: "Xiang Cheng, I'm sorry."

This time Yu Xiangcheng didn't speak, but looked at Yu Hainuo quietly, and then smiled.

Yu Hainuo didn't understand the meaning of his smile, but Yu Hainuo felt at ease, and knew how to do it differently, as long as he put his mind at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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