Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 181 Xia Yunyi's True Face

Chapter 181 Xia Yunyi's True Face (4)

"Xia Yunyi, you are jealous of Yu Hai Nuo."

"So what if I'm just jealous, I just admit that I'm jealous of her, so I want to ruin her, but unfortunately I've snatched Leng Xiluo away from her, it doesn't seem to have much influence on her, maybe She said that Leng Xiluo seven years ago is already in the past."

"Anyway, no matter what, I still hope that you will take good care of Leng Xiluo. If I want Yu Hainuo, I won't get any of them."

"And what about yourself?"

"As long as Yu Hai Nuo is in pain, I don't care what the reason is.

At this time, Xia Yunyi knew that she should not say anything, because Sura's heart had already begun to become sick.

The sudden silence in the ward made Yu Xiangcheng's expression heavy, and then he was pulled by Yu Xiangcheng to leave the ward and returned to the car.

Looking at Yu Hainuo with a calm face, Yu Xiangcheng's heart suddenly became uneasy: "Mommy."

Gently stroking his son's immature face, Yu Hainuo smiled faintly: "I'm fine."

Suddenly Yu Xiangcheng understood everything: "Mummy, did you know this all along?"

Yu Hainuo looked sad for a moment, then nodded: "But even then, I don't want to believe that Yun Yi was my best friend during the most beautiful time."

"Mummy, don't be sad."

"Mummy is fine." After speaking, Yu Hainuo took out his mobile phone and made two calls.

"Xing, are you ready for the press conference?"

"It's almost ready. When are you going to hold the meeting?"

"Just the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, I will definitely arrange it, sister, take good care of yourself."

"Okay." After speaking, Yu Hai Nuo hung up the phone and made another call.

"Hi, it's me, Mu Chen."

"Why do you think I'm missing An Shao?" An Muchen said in a playful tone on the phone.

"I really miss you, Mr. An." Yu Hainuo was also very cooperative.

"Hehe, you have such a sweet mouth, tell me, what's the matter." An Muchen shifted the topic to the important point.

"Mu Chen, accompany me to Busman Group tomorrow afternoon to terminate the contract, the director will replace you." Yu Hainuo's tone became extremely serious.

"Okay, what time tomorrow afternoon." An Muchen agreed without thinking.

"Muchen, you agreed without asking about the situation." Yu Hainuo's tone was a little worried.

"I don't worry about you." An Muchen's faint words warmed and soothed Yu Hainuo's heart.

"Thank you, Muchen."

"Well, it's okay, you go to work first."

"OK, bye."

After making several phone calls, Yu Hainuo collapsed on the seat exhaustedly. Hearing those words at that moment, she felt tired and tired like never before. It was not physically tired, but mentally tired. The escape from the past was uncovered at that moment today, as if the heart was severely torn apart, it hurt, and even breathing became so difficult.

"Xiangcheng, how about Mommy arranging you to go to Italy as soon as possible?" Yu Hainuo began to ask Yu Xiangcheng for his opinion.

"Why Mommy." There was a hint of displeasure in Yu Xiangcheng's tone.

"Son, Mommy doesn't have any intention of not wanting you, I'm just afraid that you will be hurt." Yu Hainuo's tone could not conceal his distress.

"Mommy, I just want to be with you. After you finish handling these things, let's go back to Italy with my brother and never come back again." Although the voice was still immature, Yu Hainuo couldn't bear the sincere feelings. Live nodded.

"Xiang Cheng, Mommy won't send you to Italy, so you stay here with Mommy. When Mommy finishes all the things to do, we will go to Italy. From now on, these things are not our business, okay?" .”

"Okay, listen to Mommy." Yu Xiangcheng said obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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