Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 182 Yu Hai Nuo's Counterattack

Chapter 182 Yu Hai Nuo's Counterattack (1)

Early the next morning, Yu Hainuo woke up, and the first thing she did was to dial John's phone number. The person on the other end of the phone was obviously still asleep, and even the voice was in a semi-awake state: " Hey, who is it, disturbing people's dreams early in the morning."

Yu Hainuo slowly raised the corners of his mouth: "John is me, Yu Hainuo."

There was a moment of silence, then there was the sound of things falling, and finally John yelled: "John, what's wrong with you?"

"It's all right." He had the nerve to say that he fell out of bed in shock: "Hainuo, what do you want from me?"

"I'm looking for you for something."

"What's the matter, I will help if I can." John's heart was still terrified.

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Yu Hainuo's tone was calm, but John's heart still couldn't be calm. He always felt that things would not be so simple. Sure enough, there was a follow-up to Yu Hainuo's words.

"You brought me the divorce agreement this morning." When Yu Hainuo said this, his tone was still calm.

Instead, John paused: "Okay, where are you?"

Yu Hainuo reported the address, and then the two had a brief conversation and hung up the phone.

As soon as John on the other side hung up the phone, he dialed another number with an excited face. When the phone was connected, Xia Andy's angry voice quickly came from the other side: "John, you better have something important , or I send you to Africa to open up new markets."

John shrank his head immediately, what about Africa, it would not be black charcoal there, and there were no beauties, he only liked oriental beauties, but thinking of the incident just now, his fearlessness came again, and then he began to slap Xia Andy fiercely. Material: "Yu Hainuo is going to divorce, let me send the divorce agreement to sign immediately, and the report is finished."

Xia Andi was stunned for a moment, then her expression became stern, and finally she returned to being flat: "You can do as she wants." After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone.

John looked at the hung up phone in surprise, then twisted the corners of his mouth, and finally turned into aggrieved: "Smelly man, I tell you to drag him, leave as soon as possible." After scolding John, he threw away the phone and found the one he brought back earlier. By the way, the divorce agreement threw away the divorce certificate given by Andy Xia.

He decided to take revenge on Xia Andy, even if it was released to Africa, he would admit it, and after simply washing up, John drove to the address given by Yu Hainuo, and then the house number John pressed the button on the doorbell, and then the door was locked. The inside opened, and Yu Hainuo's faint smile greeted his eyes: "You are here, please come in."

Surprised, John walked into the house, and when he saw the people sitting and standing on the sofa, he was taken aback for a moment, and then walked up calmly: "Hi Yu Xiangcheng, my name is John." A long time ago, he Knowing the existence of this child, knowing that this child is not easy, so he will not think about the little boy in front of him with the idea of ​​​​treating a child.

John's move successfully broke Yu Xiangcheng's defense: "Hello, Uncle John." After speaking, he smiled sweetly.

Yu Xiangcheng is actually very easy to get along with, he is just a simple child to people he doesn't hate, on the contrary, he will only be a devil in your eyes.

Yu Hainuo poured two glasses of milk, one was placed in front of Yu Xiangcheng, and the other was placed in front of John, who looked at her suspiciously, but she just smiled faintly: "Drink."

(End of this chapter)

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