Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 192 Press Conference

Chapter 192 Press Conference (1)

Yu Hainuo got up early the next morning, Yu Xiangcheng and Beichenxing hadn't woken up yet, Yu Hainuo sat on the sofa in the living room and waited quietly.

As soon as Yu Xiangcheng went downstairs, he saw his mother sitting on the sofa thinking about something, he walked lightly to the sofa, then climbed up, and leaned his head under Yu Hainuo's arms into her arms , kissing Yu Heinuo's face, and then began to stroke her stomach: "Mommy, what are you thinking?"

Seeing his son's immature face, Yu Hainuo's mouth was full of the happiness of being a mother, and he gently stroked his son's immature face: "Xiang Cheng, what is your dream when you grow up?"

Yu Xiangcheng looked at Yu Hainuo intently with childlike eyes: "I want to be like my mother, to be a free person."

Yu Hainuo suddenly understood why his son planned on his father so much: "Xiang Cheng, sometimes you are so clever that Mommy is afraid. Mommy wants to spoil you and give your child the most beautiful childhood, but you are too mature." , so that I often don't know how to be a good mother, but often let you take care of me instead."

Said that both mother and son felt sad at this time, Yu Xiangcheng didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only hug Yu Hainuo's waist tightly: "Mum, I love you so much, so I always pretend to be very mature, I don't understand I tried my best to go to school, but I didn't expect to give you so much anxiety, I'm sorry Mommy."

Yu Hainuo suddenly hugged Yu Xiangcheng tightly in his arms. The mother and son were not talking, but hugged each other tightly.

When Bei Chenxing went downstairs, he saw the warm mother and child embracing each other, with a faint happy smile on his face. How long has it been since he saw such a smile on his sister's face that came from the depths of his heart? How long has it been since Seeing Xiang Cheng's innocent and lovely face, one always has a perfunctory smile, and the other always learns to deceive everyone with maturity. These two are liars, but they are the best way to protect themselves.

He felt sorry for him, but there was nothing he could do. He could only stand aside to guard silently, and walked lightly to stand beside the two of them: "Sister, let's have breakfast. The press conference will be diverted at eight o'clock."

Yu Xiangcheng lifted Tong from Mummy's arms and stood on the ground at the same time: "Uncle, I'm hungry."

"Let's go and have breakfast." After speaking, he took Yu Xiangcheng's hand and walked towards the restaurant. Yu Hainuo stood up silently and followed behind.

After dinner, Yu Xiangcheng was left at home by Yu Hainuo. Today's occasion was not suitable for Xiangcheng's appearance. In order to protect her son from being exposed by the media, she had to let Yu Xiangcheng stay at home alone recently, but it was okay Recently, Yu Xiangcheng is very well-behaved.

Beichenxing drove to the largest hotel in Puhai City. An Muchen had already been waiting at the entrance of the hotel. Seeing Yu Hainuo's car approaching, he opened the door to let Yu Hainuo get down: "No , There are a lot of reporters today.”

Yu Hainuo nodded faintly. This is what she wanted. She was wearing a professional suit and her feet were staring at low black leather shoes. At the same time, Yu Hainuo had already put on a large pair of sunglasses, and taking advantage of the physical advantages of An Muchen and Beichenxing, she successfully avoided many reporters, leaving only the beautiful background and hazy beauty to the reporter.

PS: There will be five chapters updated today, QQ172992704
(End of this chapter)

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