Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 193 Press Conference

Chapter 193 Press Conference (2)

Countless people were guessing her identity. At this time, Yu Hainuo was sitting in the lounge of the hotel, accompanied by Beichenxing, and An Muchen was entertaining the guests at the venue. Beichen Group held the first meeting in Puhai City. For such a big press conference, not only the famous people in the whole Puhai City used various methods to send invitations, but many even came from other provinces or farther away.

No one does not have a lot of expectations for the new president of Beichen Group, because the president of Beichen Group has always been so mysterious, so everyone present is in the mood of anticipation and excitement, and everyone wants to stay in the heart of the new president. Make a good impression, and then get the opportunity to cooperate with Beichen Group. You must know that in the UK and even the whole world, the status of Beichen Group is unshakable capital.

Knowing that Xia Andi appeared with Gu Nianqi on his arm, the whole press conference became excited again.

"Look, Gu Nianqi, the eldest sister of Gu's Group."

"It's her, so who is the man next to her?"

Suddenly a person screamed: "It can't be Gu Nianqi's rumored fiancée Gu Nianqi."

"Maybe it really is, he is Xia Andy, really handsome."


Xia Andi's appearance became more confusing as everyone guessed his identity, but with An Muchen's initiative to say hello, everything became a big hit, and the truth became clear: "President Xia, your arrival in person is really different from Beichen Group." Let the piss grow brighter." Although An Muchen's words were polite, no one noticed his innocence, because the smile on his face was so sincere, and it fulfilled everyone's guess at any time.

"It's really, really him."

"So handsome."

"Gu Nianqi is so happy."

A wave of women's envious voices rose and fell one after another, making Gu Nianqi's face more arrogant, and her arm around Xia Andi became tighter. Although she looked gorgeous, she didn't have confidence in her heart. She was prettier than her at the scene and had a better family background than her. There are too many women, so she has to strike first.

But even so, all the women don't pay attention to her anymore, and even some women have seduced Xia Andi with their eyes openly, but Xia Andi ignored it. The enchanting woman turned around and left in anger. Gu Nianqi raised her head happily. The corners of his mouth were raised, and he put his lips close to Xia Andy's ear. Although his voice was small, everyone could hear him clearly: "Andy, this hotel is really nice. Our wedding will be held here on the [-]st of next month. Bar."

As soon as Gu Nianqi finished speaking, the scene immediately boiled up: "Wow, Xia Andi really wants to marry Gu Nian."

"Xia Andi is really blind."

"Xia Andy..."

Gu Nianqi's face turned dark when she heard the discussion, but she didn't want to get angry on the spot. She didn't know how to divert everyone's attention until the figure of another couple appeared at the venue.

The person who came this time was none other than Leng Xiluo, a celestial king who has been rumored a lot lately, and next to him was the bride he was rumored to be marrying next week, Xia Yunyi. Leng Xiluo was dressed in a black suit, Xia Yunyi's white dress looked extraordinarily elegant today, and the perfect curvature of the corners of her mouth made her look even more noble.

Suddenly, a few people rushed out from among the guests and pointed their microphones at the two of them, and questions came one after another: "Mr. Leng Xiluo, what is your explanation for your intimate behavior with Miss Mo Xiqian in the parking lot of the Busman Group yesterday. "

(End of this chapter)

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