Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 214 Yu Hai Nuo is ready to leave

Chapter 214 Yu Hai Nuo is ready to leave (2)

Three handsome men and beauties stood in the lobby of Gu's Group, and the men and women passing by all stopped to watch. Yu Hainuo stood there indifferently, wearing sunglasses on his face so that her eyes could not be seen, but he still couldn't hide it. The temperament on her body, the white gauze skirt perfectly set off her white skin, standing between two noble men was not inferior.

The staff at the front desk were explained by the people above again today, so when they saw the appearance of the three of them, they immediately came up to welcome them. Standing in front of Yu Hainuo, she quickly lost her composure: "Excuse me, is this Miss Beichen?"

Yu Hainuo nodded faintly: "Yes."

"Please come with me." Although the tone was respectful, his eyes were still looking at Yu Hainuo, with envy and jealousy.

The three of them calmly followed the staff to the top floor of the group's main office. When they were at the door of the president's office, the staff knocked on the door, and a calm male voice came from the office: "Come in."

After the staff opened the door to let the three of them in, they had already closed the door behind them. This was the first time Yu Hainuo met Gu Qi. Yu Hainuo had thought about the possibility of meeting countless times beforehand, but he never thought that it would end up like this In the scene, she didn't expect to meet Xia Andy here, but she still saw him gently sitting in front of her with another woman's waist in his arms, while Gu Qi sat there with a faint smile and looked at Yu Hainuo, with a flash of light in his eyes. Different light.

Yu Hainuo stood there with a pale face, his gaze swept over Xia Andi and Gu Nianqi and finally landed on Gu Qi, the corner of his mouth smiled slightly at 45 degrees: "President Gu, hello, I'm Beichen Wanyue."

Gu Qi was taken aback for a moment, then stood up excitedly and held Yu Hainuo's hand: "Hello, please sit down." Then he casually pointed to a group of empty sofas.

Yu Hainuo sat on the sofa casually, avoiding Xia Andi who was sitting opposite the sofa from the beginning to the end, and only focused on saying this to Gu Qi who was on the side.

At the same time, Gu Qi was also looking at Beichen Wanyue in front of him. No one knew the excitement in his heart, but he was good at hiding it well: "Miss Beichen's belly has been there for several months."

Speaking of the child, Yu Hai Nuo smiled happily: "It's been more than four months."

"It's not bad, it's a bit older than my family's Nianqi, mother is such a beautiful child, she must be very beautiful in the future." No one noticed that when Gu Qi said this, Xia Andi's eyes darkened for a moment, but was immediately covered up very good.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu, for your compliment. I have something to discuss with Mr. Gu." Yu Hainuo said with a faint smile.

"Hmph, I don't know if President Beichen will discuss something important with me, Mrs. Gu." Gu Nianqi, who was sitting in Xia Andi's arms, said to Yu Hainuo with a sarcasm.

Yu Hainuo glanced at Gu Nianqi lightly, and then said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I haven't congratulated Ms. Gu yet, and I'm going to tie the knot with Mr. Xia this weekend."

That kind of smile and indifference made Andy Xia feel irritable for no reason: "Then I will trouble Miss Beichen to reward you when the time comes."

The smile at the corner of Yu Hainuo's mouth suddenly became trance: "I'm afraid I will disappoint Mr. Xia and Ms. Gu's kindness. The day of the two weddings happened to be the time for me to leave, so I'm afraid I don't have time to watch the ceremony."

"Miss Beichen is leaving?" Gu Qi was a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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