Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 215 Yu Hai Nuo is ready to leave

Chapter 215 Yu Hai Nuo is ready to leave (3)

"Yes, I came here today to discuss some cooperation with Mr. Gu. Beichen Group will withdraw from Puhai City, so I want to transfer several projects currently developed by Beichen Group to Gu's Group, but if Mr. Gu is not interested, it's fine. Already." Yu Hainuo said the plan lightly, ignoring the surprised eyes of several people at all.

It was also at this moment that Xia Andi looked at Yu Hainuo in surprise, and the movement of his mouth immediately surpassed the thinking of his brain: "Where are you going?"

Bei Chenxing glanced at Andy Xia indifferently, and said sarcastically, "Where my sister is going has nothing to do with your President Xia."

Andy Xia's face turned gloomy for a moment, and then she didn't speak, she just stopped sharply on Hai Nuo's body, as if she wanted to look at something from above, but the other party always gave him a faint smile.

At this time, Yu Hainuo suddenly shifted his gaze to Xia Andy's face, and then said with a bit of bitterness at the corner of his mouth: "I'm just tired and want to leave, so I'm not sure where to go. As for President Xia's wedding, I will definitely send someone to send a It's a big gift."

At this moment, Yu Hainuo stood up suddenly: "President Gu, please give me an answer before noon tomorrow." Then she turned to Bei Chenxing and An Muchen: "Let's go." After she finished speaking, she did not wait for everyone to react. Already walking towards the door of the office, Bei Chenxing and An Muchen hurriedly stood up and followed.

"Who is so impolite?" It was Gu Nianqi who spoke, the disdain at the corner of her mouth slightly revealed the pride in her heart, looking at the handsome face of the man next to her, she wished that tomorrow would be the wedding, so she would definitely get rid of the obstacles All the obstacles of her wedding.

Before Xia Andi made an attack, Gu Qi, who has always loved women and was famous, suddenly blamed his daughter: "Nian Qi, what are you talking about?" After speaking, he stood up and chased after her.

Xia Andi looked at Gu Qi's back thoughtfully, then stood up, and said lightly to Gu Nianqi who was still sitting on the sofa: "You wait for me here, I'll go out for a while."

Just when Hai Nuo and his party were about to step into the elevator, Gu Qi, who rushed out from behind, stopped the three of them: "Miss Beichen, wait a minute."

Standing up, Yu Hainuo turned around and nodded lightly to Gu Qi and said, "Is there anything else you need to do, Mr. Gu?"

"I just want to ask how my mother is doing, are you okay?" After speaking, Gu Qi looked at Yu Hainuo expectantly.

Yu Hainuo took a weird look at Gu Qi and replied politely: "My mommy is fine, do you know Mr. Gu and my mommy?"

Gu Qi looked at Yu Hainuo excitedly, and said, "Your mommy and I are old acquaintances."

"Really? Then Mr. Gu is welcome to visit my house next time you go to England, and catch up with your mother." Yu Hainuo said politely.

"it is good."

"Mr. Gu has nothing to do, so let's leave first. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's news." After speaking, Yu Hainuo stepped into the elevator again, and then the elevator slowly closed, and the three of them disappeared behind the elevator.

At the corner where no one saw, Xia Andy stood there quietly, then turned around again and returned to the office. Gu Qi's strange behavior just now turned over again in his mind.

After leaving the Gu Group, Yu Hainuo said to Beichenxing and An Muchen indifferently: "You guys go back first."

"Where are you going?" It was An Muchen who spoke, with a worried face.

(End of this chapter)

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