Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 236 The Occurrence of a Car Accident

Chapter 236 The Occurrence of a Car Accident (7)

Watching the operating room slowly close, Xia Andy's heart was completely dead, and then he left the operating room step by step with difficulty. Now he must go to see the child, the child he has never loved, the woman he loves the most. the child he gave birth to.

Looking at Yu Xiangcheng lying motionless from the glass of the intensive care unit, John stood behind Andy Xia with a heavy heart, and put one hand on his friend's shoulder: "As a friend, I know that any consolation is superfluous." Yes, but I still want to say something, Xiang Cheng still needs you, you have already felt sorry for her mommy and the child who died before birth, so now you can't feel sorry for him anymore. "

John's words awakened the dreamer. Xia Andy stared blankly at the petite figure in the ward, and then there was firmness and a new understanding of the future in his eyes. In the days to come, he might be with this child forever. It's been a lifetime, because after that person died, he couldn't fall in love with others again, and this time he didn't want to make do with it.

Even though he strengthened his belief, the heart-piercing pain was still difficult to recover in a short period of time. John looked at the villain who hadn't woken up in the ward with worry on his face: "Andy, Think about it these few days, how should you tell Xiang Cheng about Heinuo, he has always had such a good relationship with his mommy, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it."

John's worry is also the worry of Andy Xia's heart: "Tell him the truth, Xiang Cheng is too smart, it's not good for him to know about it in the end."

"That's the only way to go." John began to feel sorry for the child in his heart, and told himself to love him more in the future.

How could Yu Xiangcheng, who was in a coma, know that his current world had changed.

When Yu Hainuo's funeral was held, Yu Xiangcheng hadn't woken up yet. He was in a coma and didn't know that he wouldn't even see his mother for the last time. In fact, there was no last time. After the one-body donation, the funeral was just a ceremony. All that remained were the things she had used.

But at the same time when Hai Nuo was buried, Yu Xiangcheng, who was lying in bed, suddenly woke up and shouted to the sky: "Mommy." Then he fell into a coma again, and then tears flowed down his tightly closed mouth. The eyes slowly flowed down. This is what people often say about the connection between mother and child. A nurse's faint words spoke out the hearts of everyone.

Then many nurses and doctors had red eyes, and everyone was praying for the child.

After the funeral ceremony, everyone came to the cemetery. Xia Andy stood in front of the tombstone and looked at the familiar smiling face in the photo. He suddenly felt a bit dazed. He always felt that she was still there, but everything in front of him made him feel uncomfortable. Don't admit that she is really gone. Beside Yu Hainuo's cemetery is a small cemetery, which contains a ring that Xia Andy put in. It was the symbol of the Busman family at that time, and it was the only thing he gave to the child. An Mu Chen suddenly stood beside Xia Andi and looked at the small grave: "Just let this child stay with his mommy forever."

"An Muchen, I'm sorry." Xia Andi suddenly said this sentence, which surprised An Muchen.

An Muchen looked at Andy Xia in surprise, and then smiled lightly at the next moment: "There is no need to apologize, as long as you raise Xiangcheng well, I don't care about anything."

"Thank you." That's all Xia Andy could say at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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