Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 237 The Occurrence of a Car Accident

Chapter 237 The Occurrence of a Car Accident (8)

Everyone accepted with red eyes that the person they cared about the most left their world. Leng Xiluo stood in the distance and watched from a distance but did not approach, because until now he still couldn't accept it, and then he turned slowly to prepare to leave, Just as he was about to leave, a familiar voice stopped him behind him: "Helo, I'm sorry."

The person who came was none other than Xia Yunyi. Today she found this place with her last hope, because she knew that this was the only place where she could find him. With tears in her eyes, she looked at the back of her favorite man and called softly.

But Leng Xiluo's reaction broke her heart completely, and she only heard Leng Xiluo say: "I am not the one you are sorry for, please don't appear in front of me again in the future." After finishing speaking, she continued to walk She left without paying any attention to Xia Yunyi's shout behind her.

She collapsed on the ground, watching the funeral in the distance, with a touch of sadness on the corner of her mouth: "Yu Hainuo, why is your place in his heart even after you die? If you really loved him, let him He forgets you and falls in love with someone again, even if that person is not me, I can't forgive you, probably just like you can't forgive me, so let's say goodbye from now on."

After speaking, Xia Yunyi stood up, adjusted her clothes, then turned around and left the cemetery. At this moment, her life changed again, and she had to go her own way.

At the moment Xia Yunyi turned to leave, a pale figure stopped her. Xia Yunyi was surprised when she saw the person coming: "Gu Nianqi, why are you here?"

Gu Nianqi's eyes were misty, and she looked at the crowd in the distance with a sad smile on her lips: "Xia Yunyi, why is the happiness of the two of us all shattered overnight because of that woman, don't you just hate her?" her?"

hate it?Should I hate it?How to hate, the dead are the most important, and after all, she was the one who was sorry for her before, if they want to hate, who are they hating whom?On this matter, all she chose was silence.

But not everyone can think this way. It just so happens that in Gu Nianqi's heart there is such a dream monster, a cut that she cannot overcome. After the wedding, she feels that the world's eyes on her have changed. It seems that everyone is watching her jokes, even the father who once loved her the most not only disappeared at the wedding, but also did not try to comfort her to seek justice for her after she was abandoned at the wedding Instead, he locked himself in the room after he came back and did not come out for three days.

Her world was completely destroyed that night, and she needed a source of venting, so she blamed all the resentment in her heart on the dead person, and suddenly she rushed towards the crowd, Xia Yunyi wanted to It was too late to stop him, so he could only shout: "Gu Nianqi, what are you doing?"

This loud cry woke up all the people who were immersed in grief. Bei Chenxing was the first to react. He rushed to Gu Nianqi and grabbed her arm and asked seriously: "Gu Nianqi, what are you going to do?" what?"

"What to do? What to do? I just want to ask that woman why she doesn't make me happy even after she's dead?" He said while pointing his fingers straight at Yu Hainuo who had a faint smile on the tombstone.

(End of this chapter)

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