Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 244 'CN' Group

Chapter 244 'CN' Group (1)

Yu Xiangcheng's speed is also amazingly fast. Just the day before, he said that he would take his younger brother to Puhai City. The next day, two brothers, one big and one small, had already appeared at the airport and waited for the road to Puhai City.

Beautiful men and women always attract the attention of the world, not to mention two beautiful boys, although they are different in beauty, they can still be seen as brothers at a glance, hot mommy-level women are jealous He really wanted to snatch these two people back home as his own sons. When the two of them were sitting and resting to wait for the plane, their legs were already full of food. Yu Xiangrui looked at his brother with a depressed face. , the corner of his mouth trembling slightly asked: "Brother, what should we do with these things?"

Yu Xiangcheng didn't care when he came back, he stood up and looked around in the lounge, then picked up half of the things in Yu Xiangrui's arms and walked to the children's play area, and then saw him take the things All of them were given to the children playing inside, and then Yu Xiang Rui walked back with Mrs. Pei admired her eyes.

"Brother, you are so smart." Yu Xiangrui was full of admiration.

Yu Xiangcheng glanced at his younger brother lightly, reached out and tapped his forehead lightly, and then snapped, "Your brain knows how to play and sleep all day long, why don't you see it being used for serious business?"

Yu Xiangrui was criticized by his brother, and immediately raised his peach-like mouth, and said unhappily: "Smelly brother, you know how to call me stupid." This action immediately made the aunts and aunts who were staring at him feel distressed.

Immediately someone said: "Little handsome guy, don't say that about your brother, he is still young."

Yu Xiangcheng glared fiercely at Yu Xiangrui's slightly aggrieved face: "Let's go." Although his tone was fierce, everyone could tell that he loved his younger brother very much. Stand up from the chair, then pull up Yu Xiangrui who was sitting on the chair, carefully arrange his clothes, then unscrew his and his brother's luggage, and walk to the boarding gate.

Everyone couldn't look away for a long time until the backs of the two children disappeared in the airport lounge. Some people even followed the two children secretly, fearing that they would have an accident. to enter the boarding gate before giving up.

At this time, in Busman's old house and Beichen's old house, Yu Xiangcheng and Yu Xiangchengrui's disappearance had already become a mess. Beichenxing was sitting on the sofa in the hall of Busman's ancestral house. The color was anxious, and Xia Andi, who was opposite him, also changed his usual indifference, and his expression was extraordinarily serious, as if he was about to collapse at any time.

"Xia Andi, why are you a father? Your two sons have been missing for almost two days, yet you don't know where they are?" Bei Chenxing asked the father of the children severely.

"I thought they would go to Beichen's house after they left here yesterday." Xia Andi was still trying to explain to Beichenxing.

But how did Bei Chenxing hear this? All he knew was that the child was gone: "Where are they going?" In the end, the only answer he thought of was: "Have they been kidnapped?" Asked himself, but he immediately overturned his conjecture. With the power of the Busman Group and the Beichen Group, who would have the courage to kidnap the child, and the two of them have always protected the child very well, and the outside world is not at all Maybe they recognized them, so where did they go?

(End of this chapter)

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