Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 245 'CN' Group

Chapter 245 'CN' Group (2)

At this moment, John came in from the outside, and he greeted Bei Chenxing first: "Xing, you are here." Bei Chenxing and Xia Andi were not at odds and only thought his sister Yu Hainuo, but the relationship between him and John has always been all good.

"John, is there any news about the two children?" Bei Chenxing saw John as if he had caught a life-saving grass.

"Don't worry, the two children got on the plane to Puhai City two hours ago." John smiled and said the information he found.

Hearing such an answer, both Bei Chenxing and Xia Andi were puzzled: "Why did Xiang Cheng bring Xiang Rui to Puhai City?" Bei Chenxing asked suspiciously.

At this moment, Xia Andi suddenly felt distressed, and there was a sulking feeling in his heart that he couldn't vent. Suddenly he understood something. The crying is also because of the appearance of the youngest son. Now it seems that his strength is also superficial. Yes, he has such a good relationship with his mother since he was a child. How can you let her know that after the death or disappearance of the mother? Sad?I am afraid that the child did not know how many times she shed tears in the corner where no one saw.

"Is there any news about John Heinuo?" Andy Xia asked this question with difficulty, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

John was also very surprised. This was the first time in the past five years that Andy Xia mentioned Yu Hainuo, the woman who had disappeared for five years. He had searched the world several times in the past five years, but it was strange that even one He didn't find any clues, but recently he suddenly found something. Since his friend asked, he no longer concealed it and poured it all out: "Do you still remember the doctors Chu Liancheng and Chu Liancheng who were in the hospital five years ago? Is it a month?"

Andy Xia and Bei Chenxing nodded at the same time, but they didn't understand why he suddenly mentioned this person, and then John revealed an astonishing inside story: "Chu Liancheng is the successor of the new generation of the Chu Lian family, but he He is the adopted son of the Chu Lian family. The one we met five years ago named Chu Lianyue is the real blood of the Chu Lian family, but the strange thing is that everyone in the Chu Lian family admires Chu Liancheng very much and pushes him hard. He is the successor of the Chulian family."

John's words made Xia Andi and Bei Chenxing fall into deep contemplation. The 'Chulian' family is a mysterious and legendary family. He is known as the 'World's No. [-] Underworld Family'. It is on a small island, but only the Chu Lian family know how to get to that small island, but it is precisely because of their mystery that the outside world has no way of finding out their password, so where did John's news come from? Woolen cloth?

Seeing the doubts of the two people in front of him, John continued to explain: "The news seems to have been leaked on purpose. We found a website, but all the information in it was cleaned up, and there was only one message about Chu Liancheng inside."

"Then how did my sister know this Chu Liancheng? Mu Chen and I have been with my sister for seven years. We have never met this Chu Liancheng. We met for the first time in five years." Now, what the hell is going on here." Bei Chenxing has already started to lose his mind, how can he be reassured when he hears that such a character has contact with his sister?

(End of this chapter)

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