Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 287 'Wonderful Flower' Yu Xiangrui

Chapter 287 'Wonderful Flower' Yu Xiangrui (10)

"Okay." Then Yu Hainuo hung up the phone and sat on the sofa and began to meditate. Finally, she decided to live in a hotel. She was a little at a loss to live with this man, and she didn't know if he would accept her willingly. .

Just when Heinuo was thinking, another phone call came to Xia Andi. After listening to the request on the phone, Xia Andi calmly agreed. When he put down the phone, he saw the little man standing in front of his desk. He was very happy. Waving to him: "Xiao Xiangrui, come here, did you sleep well last night?"

Yu Xiangrui nodded first, then shook his head again, he was still blaming his daddy for not letting him sleep with Mommy last night.

How can Xia Andy, a smart man, not understand his son's little thoughts?He squatted down and hugged Yu Xiangrui into his arms, and then said, "Come on, let's leave Mommy to live with us, shall we?"

"Okay, okay." Of course Yu Xiangrui agreed with both hands and feet.

The father and son walked towards Xia Andi's room together. Just as they reached the door, the door of the room was opened from the inside. As soon as Yu Xiangrui saw the person coming, he immediately opened his arms to embrace Yu Hainuo.

Yu Hainuo took the villain from Xia Andi's arms in surprise, first put a kiss on his mouth, and then asked: "Xiang Rui, good morning, did you sleep well last night?"

Yu Xiangrui really wanted to shake his head to make Mommy feel bad, but in the end he nodded under his father's aggressive eyes: "I slept well Mommy, did Mommy sleep well?"

"I'm fine too." Suddenly, Yu Hai Nuo thought of someone, and began to look outside the door: "Xiao Xiangrui, where's your brother?"

Hearing his mommy asking about his brother, Yu Xiangrui tilted his head and looked at her: "Where is brother downstairs?"

"Really? What is he doing? Let's go down and look for him together." After speaking, Yu Hainuo wanted to go out the door.

How could Xia Andy, such a shrewd person, fail to see what she was thinking?He stood in front of Yu Hainuo at once, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "Where are you going? I have something to tell you."

As soon as he heard that there was something wrong, Yu Hainuo looked at the man in front of him warily, and asked with a slight uneasiness at the corner of his mouth, "What's the matter?"

Xia Andi stopped being a joke and said directly what she wanted to say to her: "Chu Lianyue is not in Puhai City recently, she hopes you can live here, so I can rest assured, after all, you are not in Puhai City right now. Not familiar, and the child is with me, so you can spend more time with the child if you live here." Xia Andi admitted that he was playing tricks again, but he used the child as bait to lure such a woman openly, but This is nothing to be ashamed of, as long as it is not excessive, the process of the matter is not important, the important thing is the result.

Sure enough, Yu Hainuo started to struggle in an instant, she was a little clueless, but thinking of the two sons who had just met, she was really reluctant because of maternal love, and the final result would definitely be within Xia Andi's calculations: "Well, trouble you gone."

Hearing the answer that satisfied him, the smile on the corner of Xia Andy's mouth grew stronger, and a strategy to pursue again slowly took shape in his heart. The most important thing now is that the ring on her fingertip is too dazzling. Last night Why didn't I see it? He won't let it exist for too long. His woman must wear the ring he bought. Seeing the discomfort of the woman in front of him, Xia Andi hated to consciously step aside after achieving her goal. body, and then watched Yu Hainuo running towards his son, and then the backs of a large and a small person disappeared at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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