Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 288 'Wonderful Flower' Yu Xiangrui

Chapter 288 'Wonderful Flower' Yu Xiangrui (11)

He never knew that his heart would be so satisfied when he opened his eyes in the morning and saw the smiling faces of the woman he loved and the child, and all this was not easy to come by, so he will cherish it .

At this time, in an apartment in the center of England, Sura looked at the investigation report just delivered in her hand, her eyes became more and more cold, her fingernails slashed fiercely across the woman's face in the photo, and the corners of her mouth slowly curved. Exaggerated: "Yu Hainuo, why did you come back?"

It has been more than ten years, she has loved that man for more than ten years, and now her age is gone, but he still never looks back at her, why?Is she not pretty enough?Or why, she is unwilling, unwilling to give up like this, and this time, she is bound to have a result, so she decided to go to Puhai City tomorrow, and Xia Andy warned her not to go, so she just doesn't let him know, As the secretary to the president of the Busman Group, she still has this ability.

In the small garden downstairs, Yu Hainuo hugged Yu Xiangrui and found Yu Xiangcheng who was reading a book. Seeing his brother, Yu Xiangrui cried out in excitement: "Brother." After speaking, he hurriedly broke free from himself In Mummy's arms, he ran three steps and two steps to Yu Xiangcheng's arms, and acted coquettishly by the way.

While holding the person in his arms firmly, Yu Xiangcheng turned his face to Yu Hainuo and smiled slightly: "Mummy, good morning."

Such a smile suddenly warmed Yu Hainuo's heart. She always felt that the son in front of her was a little different from yesterday, but she couldn't explain why, but it was right if it felt good. She walked to the other side of the table. Sitting down in the chair, he flipped through the books in front of Yu Xiangcheng: "I like photography."

"Yes." Yu Xiangcheng felt a little embarrassed when his mommy suddenly discovered the secret in his heart.

"Hehe, it's okay. If you like it, it's a good thing. How about this? Today, Mommy's advertisement starts shooting. How about you take Xiang Rui to the scene to have fun?" Yu Hainuo suggested.

"Okay." Of course Yu Xiangcheng is willing. He has always wanted to see how his mommy is working. Although Yu Xiangrui doesn't know where his brother and mommy are going, he hears that he can talk to his mommy. Mommy and brother are very excited to be together today.

And Xia Andy, who was standing by the bed on the second floor, couldn't help but slowly widen the corners of his mouth when he saw the smiles on the faces of the mother and son downstairs, and this will be something he will always protect in the future.

Sending the mother and child to the car, Andy Xia watched the car leave from a distance, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. If it weren't for something happening today, he really wanted to send them to the set in person, but now he can only look forward to the next time.

Just as the car disappeared from sight, the butler walked up to Xia Andy and stood beside him, then said respectfully: "Master, a lady who claims to be your friend is going to see you."

friend?It's still a girl, and Xia Andi suddenly couldn't remember who it was: "Did you tell me what her name is?"

"No, she just said that the young master will know when he sees her." The butler's tone was still respectful and rigorous.

"Ask her to the living room. I'll come down after changing clothes. Please wait a moment."

"It's the young master." The housekeeper stepped back respectfully to invite the guests, while Xia Andy went upstairs to change clothes.

Under the leadership of the housekeeper, Gu Nianqi walked into this house that did not belong to her. Her eyes were full of greed and jealousy, and her heart had already become distorted when she saw the decoration of the house in front of her. Money, but such a large amount of money is still missing, and all of this should belong to her, how can you let her be so reconciled.

(End of this chapter)

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