Chapter 298 Chaotic Scene (8)

The day's work came to an end, and Yu Xiangrui, who had just woken up after sleeping all afternoon, saw his mommy was packing up, and immediately broke away from his brother's hand and squeezed to Yu Hainuo's side, looking up expectantly with his immature face. Looking at his mommy, he said: Mommy, do you want to take me and my brother to eat delicious food?

Yu Hainuo was immediately happy when he heard his son's tone. He stretched out his hand to pinch his son's nose and said, "Hey, let's go eat after waiting for Mommy in 5 minutes."

Yu Hainuo still loves her son very much in her heart, the studio is messy, and lunch is box lunch, which is not used to her two sons who have been pampered since childhood, but the reaction of the two sons makes her very proud, just like today At noon, when the staff said they wanted to order boxed lunches, because there were two children, the staff meant to order takeaway for the two children.

But at that time Yu Xiangrui just walked up to the staff, pulled the trousers of the staff and said: Uncle, my brother and I don't need to be special, we can eat whatever everyone eats.

And when the boxed lunch arrived in the hands of the two children, their reactions moved everyone a little more. When the two coddled children saw the boxed lunch at noon, there was no trace of grievance or disgust on their faces. Take it and eat it calmly, like all the staff, Yu Hainuo was sitting next to the two children at that time, she wanted to give the delicious food in the lunch box to the children, but was stopped by the two children's group, but the two children He put all the good dishes in his bowl into Yu Hainuo's bowl, and said while putting them: Mommy is very tired from filming commercials, she needs to eat more.

At that time, Yu Hainuo's eyes were red. It was worth it to get such two precious children as a woman for a lifetime. The staff at the scene were all moved by this scene. Children are always the cutest creatures.

Obediently bid farewell to all the staff members one by one, Yu Xiangrui dragged his brother and mommy to the parking lot with joy on his face. eat ice cream.

Do not eat western food?Yu Hainuo was a little confused, and then Yu Xiangcheng smiled and explained her doubts: Xiang Rui is not used to using a knife and fork.

The eldest son said it tactfully, but Yu Hainuo knew that the horror was not simply because she was not used to using a knife and fork, but she didn't want to ask too much, and she still respected the child's opinion. Eating is meant to be comfortable.

Yu Hainuo, who hadn't eaten Chinese food for a long time, drove his two children to a well-known Chinese restaurant in Puhai City. Opened a second branch, so the store is full almost every day.

Chinese people eat differently from Westerners. They want an atmosphere, not the quiet and elegant style of the West, and the restaurant welcomes everyone, so you can't see the hierarchy between people here.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Yu Xiangrui was attracted by a large row of fish tanks in the restaurant, and exclaimed: Brother and Mommy have so many fish, it must be delicious.

Many customers who stayed where they were after speaking in an immature childish tone laughed, and some people looked at Xiao Xiangrui's cuteness and wanted to come over and pinch his little face, but Yu Xiangrui avoided them all, and looked at him with aggrieved faces. He looked at everyone and said: Don't pinch other people's faces, it's not cute anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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