Chapter 299 Chaotic Scene (9)

In an instant, the scene was amused by his immature tone and laughed again. From the adults' point of view, the child's tone is always so innocent, and even if their innocent words are not good, they will not care about them, but between adults It's different, maybe sometimes an unintentional remark will be remembered in people's heart for a lifetime, so people get more and more complicated as they grow up.

Yu Hainuo likes this kind of simple life. After asking the waiter and knowing that they will have to wait for a while before there is space, she didn't say much or was impatient. Instead, she took the two children to the side and waited. Of course, Xiang Rui couldn't settle down anymore. After a while, he shuttled around in every corner of the hall, touching this and looking at that. He was curious about everything, and the diners were often amused by his immature tone. Laughing loudly, Xia Andi also called during the period, and Yu Hainuo told him that she was having dinner with her two children, and he said that he would come to pick them up after he was busy, and the interaction between the two became so natural.

Yu Hainuo also found that she didn't feel depressed when she was with this man, and sometimes she would think of him, and there was a warm feeling in her heart, but she didn't feel this kind of feeling in Liancheng, for Liancheng she knew it was a kind of right What her brother felt was family affection, not love, but she also knew that if a man loves her, he might not even want his life, so she couldn't speak up.

And the diamond ring in his hand made him even more uncomfortable now. She didn't understand herself, she was already someone else's fiancee, why her heart still couldn't control herself and turned to Xia Andy, she was also afraid of such a self, she felt such a self It's just like what other people say, but she can't control her heart even more.

Just when Hai Nuo was quietly waiting for the vacant seats with her two children, what she didn't realize was that there was a person looking at her profile at the door of the hotel, his eyes were full of excitement.

It's been five years, and Shao Qi has been guilty for five years. During the five years, he has not slept a single day. He thought that he would never look at her again in his life, but he never thought that he would have the opportunity to watch her standing alive in front of him. in front of you.

He stood there awkwardly, not knowing whether his current self should come forward to say hello or pass her by knowing that she was still alive. As the CEO of a company, unique judgment and decisiveness are necessary. But now he hesitated, just when his determination was losing a little bit, he suddenly felt an extra impact on his leg, and he stretched out his hand to catch the little figure out of conditioned reflex.

In an instant, he was shocked and couldn't speak for a long time. Yu Xiangrui was hugged by the old man, but he was not afraid of strangers, but smiled and looked at the excited old man who was hugging him and asked: "Grandpa, why are you crying?" up.

Gu Qi was awakened by the child's words. He quickly wiped away the tears that were still in the corners of his eyes with his hands, and touched the child behind him: "My child, did you hit something?"

The grandfather's excitement made Yu Xiangrui uneasy, he shook his head blankly, and looked at the distant mummy in a natural reaction, while Yu Hainuo, the mother and child, also looked at this side at the same time and hurriedly stood up from the chair Got up and walked over: Sir, I'm sorry, the child bumped into you without understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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