Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 305 The Terror of the Media

Chapter 305 The Terror of the Media (2)

Although Xia Andi was different from Yu Hainuo who asked about Gu Qi, he still answered her question: "Gu Qi is Gu Nianqi's father, the president of the Gu Group. I married Gu Nianqi five years ago, and
I hurt you. "Xia Andi finished explaining with some reservations.

As soon as Yu Hainuo heard it, she knew that the matter was not as simple as what Xia Andi said, but she also knew that she couldn't find any answer now, so she accepted it silently: "Go in." After speaking, she opened Xia Andy's door.
Andy's arms entered the nest first.

This night, Yu Hai Nuo rested in the guest room, while Xia Andy tossed and turned and did not fall asleep all night. In the middle of the night, he got up to pour himself a glass of water, but in the living room, he saw Yu Xiangcheng who was also awake.

, he sat down next to him in doubt and asked, "Why are you still awake so late?"

"Can't sleep." There was tiredness in his son's voice, and Xia Andy could still hear it.

"What's wrong."

Yu Xiangcheng hesitated for a moment, but still spoke out the worries in his heart: "Daddy, do you think Mommy will disappear again?"

As soon as Xia Andy heard it, she began to feel distressed. No matter how strong a child is, they still cannot do without maternal love. Hai Nuo's absence in the past five years has indeed caused indelible harm to the child: "No

Yes, Daddy promises that Mommy will never leave us again. "

A five-year absence is hard for even an adult to accept, let alone a child, and the one who should resent all of this is himself, who made the two children lack maternal love in their childhood: "Xiang Cheng, I'm sorry

, everything is daddy's fault. "

Yu Xiangcheng gently shook his head in Xia Andi's arms: "It's not your fault, nor everyone's fault. I can understand many things. All the mistakes are only misunderstandings and lack of fate."

The precocious words made Xia Andy feel bad, he hugged Yu Xiangcheng tightly in his arms and promised: "It will be fine, everything will pass, Daddy will promise you."

"Okay." At this moment, Yu Xiangcheng is no longer the smart and precocious child, but a child who only needs father's love and mother's love, he needs family affection.

"Daddy, Daddy, brother, Xiangrui, and Xiangrui, you can't leave me behind. The three of us must take good care of Mommy, and don't let Mommy disappear." Yu Xiangrui, who was supposed to be asleep, said immature
The voice suddenly swept in between the two of them, obviously startling them both, but the two of them have already gotten used to such sudden situations over the years, and they got used to it in no time.

"Xiang Rui, why didn't you wake up?" Xia Andi looked at her little son and said with a smile.

"That's right, I'm going to pee." After saying that, Yu Xiangrui hurried to the bathroom, leaving his daddy and brother smiling all over their faces.

Every child is a little angel in the family, and Yu Xiangrui is the little angel shared by the Busman and Beichen families. His innocence and innocence often make everyone laugh. Even him
People don't have the heart to blame him for doing wrong things, but there are very few opportunities to do wrong things like this. Most of them, he is a little angel who brings joy to everyone.

If you say that the most well-informed people in this city are probably the media, as long as you are a famous celebrity, the media may even report the death of a cat in your family.

(End of this chapter)

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