Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 306 The Terror of the Media

Chapter 306 The Terror of the Media (3)

In the early morning of the next day, Xia Andi had just sat at the dining table, when he saw the newspaper delivered by the butler, his face suddenly changed: "What's going on here." In the newspaper, he was holding Gu Nianqi in his arms, it should be Gu yesterday

Nianqi was photographed when he fell at the door, but the angle was so good that no one would believe it no matter how he explained it.

"Master, we seemed to see the media outside when Ms. Gu came yesterday, so it seems that Ms. Gu deliberately arranged this matter." The person in charge of the butler explained.

Just when Xia Andi's anger was swelling, the following news made him even more angry: "You changed Gu Nianqi, I will not let you go."

The newspaper that Xia Andi casually threw on the ground had this kind of headline: "President Busman's new and old loves gather together, and the grand occasion five years ago has reappeared."

As soon as Yu Hainuo went downstairs, she saw the angry Xia Andi. She didn't understand what was wrong with him. When she saw the newspaper Xia Andi threw on the ground, she walked over to pick it up. Xia Andi was about to stop it but it was too late
, All of a sudden he panicked: "Hainuo, listen to my explanation, the matter is not as written above."

But the news in the newspaper had caught Yu Hainuo's sight, she looked at Xia Andy with terrified eyes and asked: "You and Gu Nianqi almost got married five years ago, and she was pregnant with your child?
"The tone was no longer questioning but questioning. For a moment, some fragmentary fragments flew through Hai Nuo's mind. She found that tears had flowed down the corners of her eyes at some point, and her heart hurt so badly, and her body also felt pain.

It dropped sharply in the next moment.

"Hainuo." Andy Xia rushed over and hugged him tightly in his arms: "Listen to my explanation, okay? Things are not what you see, don't do this."

Hai Nuo suddenly became quiet. In fact, in her heart, she knew a lot of things and couldn't just look at the surface, but because she cared about it, she couldn't let go of it completely. She slowly pushed Xia Xia away.
Andy turned his back to Andy Xia lightly and said, "Let me calm down first, I don't want to blame you for anything, and I don't have that right."

Just like that, Xia Andi stood where she was, watching Heinuo slowly disappearing from his sight, he suddenly felt stuffy in his heart, he wanted to stop her and tell her that things were really not what she seemed, but she would

listen? "Gu Nianqi, I won't let you go."

Filled with anger, Andy Xia picked up the phone at the side and dialed a number: "Hey, Herry, help me send a lawyer's letter to Gu Nianqi, and disclose the matter to the media."

Although Herry on the other side of the phone didn't know what happened, she still obeyed and said, "Okay, I'll do it right away." After hanging up on the other side of the phone, Xia Andy pursed her lips and looked at Fang upstairs.
Xiang, and then sighed lightly.

"Daddy, what's wrong with Mummy." Just when Xia Andi was standing there helpless, Yu Xiangcheng didn't know when he stood behind him, and he didn't know how much his son saw what happened just now

, Suddenly he felt that he had failed as a father in front of his son.

Walking gently in front of her son, Andy Xia touched his head and said, "It's okay, your mommy and I have some misunderstandings."

Yu Xiangcheng nodded. He knew that he couldn't ask too much about some things, so he chose to remain silent, but his eyes still glanced at the newspaper, and finally he hesitated to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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