Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 323 Knowing the Truth

Chapter 323 Knowing the Truth (4)

Yu Hainuo tried hard not to cry in front of Chu Liancheng, but seeing him so thin, she couldn't stop her tears: "Cheng, why didn't you tell me, why?"

Chu Liancheng smiled bitterly, and then said, "Silly girl, don't I want you to worry?"

When he saw the ring on Yu Hai Nuo's hand, his eyes darkened immediately, but the next moment he pretended not to see it, with a faint smile still on the corner of his mouth, and he tried hard to tell himself that as long as she could be happy.

"Why didn't you tell me when you were sick." Yu Hainuo didn't know whether to blame this man or herself. The illness didn't last for a short time. Why didn't she find out for so long?
Chu Liancheng shook his head lightly: "Hainuo, don't blame yourself. If I wanted to hide it from you deliberately, how would you know? You have to know, no matter what happens to me, I only want you to be happy, you know?"

Yu Hainuo shook his head vigorously when he heard it, and threw himself into Chu Liancheng's arms in a collapsed state: "No, no, how happy I am when you are gone, let's get married, let's get married." With two words, Chu Lianyue's heart was extremely calm. She may know that what she has for this man is not love, but she knows that this man loves her deeply. If she can repay her, she will probably marry him. It would be nice to be his bride for a day.

Chu Liancheng's heart was moved by Yu Hainuo's proposal, but he also hesitated, did he really want to be so selfish?Will the selfish one still tie her up before Siqian dies?But marrying her is his greatest wish in this life, so he hesitated about her proposal, he hugged the person in his arms tightly, and when he caught sight of a figure outside the door, he suddenly decided: "Hainuo, we Let's marry."

"Okay." After the good answer, Yu Hainuo knew that she and Xia Andy would never have a chance in this life, and tears rolled down her face again, maybe this time the tears were to bid farewell to her true love in this life.

Standing outside the door, Xia Andi clenched her hands into fists and looked at the scene in the ward. He had thought about this scene a long time ago, but he never expected that it would come so soon. Heinuo was getting married. She said in person He is going to get married, but the groom is not him.

Chu Lianyue knew that this man was in pain, how could she not be in pain when she saw her beloved woman marrying someone else?But she can't do anything, the person inside is her brother, and he is about to die, how can she break his dream of living in the world at last?
The next moment, she made a move that was also surprising to Andy Xia. She motioned for Andy Xia to come with her, and then the two walked to a closed balcony. Then she knelt in front of Andy Xia, and Andy Xia quickly squatted down to help her up: " What are you doing, Chu Lianyue?"

"Xia Andi I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know you and Hai Nuo are really in love, and I know it's hateful to separate you like this, but please, one month, just one month, I promise to return Hai Nuo to you after one month, okay? Good." Chu Lianyue stubbornly knelt on the ground and begged Xia Andi.

Xia Andi suddenly looked sad, and then said to Chu Lianyue: "Do you really think that Hai Nuo and your brother can return to my side after they get married?"

Chu Lianyue was also silent suddenly, but silently highlighted three words: "I'm sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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