Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

Chapter 324 Knowing the Truth

Chapter 324 Knowing the Truth (5)

"Get up, none of us is sorry for anyone. Marrying your brother is Hai Nuo's decision, and none of us can change it, and your brother has really paid a lot for Hai Nuo, so bless them." No one He knew how painful his heart was when he said the word blessing, but he had to endure it, because this was all he had to bear.

After talking, Xia Andi slowly exited the balcony, and then left alone. Looking at the lonely back, Chu Lianyue's tears fell down the corners of her eyes again.

Going back to the ward downstairs, seeing the two sons in the ward, Xia Andi couldn't bear it any longer and hugged the two children tightly in her arms, unable to speak for a long time.

Yu Xiangcheng knew sensitively that something must have happened to Daddy and Mommy again, but he didn't know how to ask, so he could only let him hug him.

On the other hand, Xiao Xiangrui who was at the side didn't know what happened, and was still yelling loudly: "Daddy, Daddy, where is Mommy? Why are you alone?"

Xia Andi was speechless all of a sudden, he didn't know how to answer his son's question: "What's wrong with Xiao Xiangrui, you miss me if you don't see Mommy for such a short time." Yu Hainuo's timely voice appeared at the door of the ward, and then Xiao Xiangrui broke free from his father's arms and ran into Yu Hainuo's arms, coquettishly asking Yu Hainuo, "Hug, Mommy."

Yu Hainuo squatted down and hugged his son tightly in his arms. Through the space, his eyes met Xia Andi in mid-air. There were thousands of words in it, but more bitterness.

How could Andy Xia not understand the meaning in it?He stood up and walked to the mother and son, raised his hand and gently wiped the tears off Yu Hai Nuo's face: "Don't cry, okay? Go back and talk about something."

"Okay." Yu Hainuo nodded quietly, then hugged his son and leaned his head against Xia Andi's arms.

The atmosphere in the ward was very dull, Yu Xiangcheng stood aside and didn't know what to say, he could only wait quietly, at this moment the door of the ward was opened from the outside, Xiao Xiangrui broke free immediately when he saw the person coming in The people who came in immediately stuffed a lot of things into Xiao Xiangrui's arms, and told Yu Hainuo that he must bring more children back.

Yu Hainuo agreed with a face full of bewilderment, but Xiao Xiangrui calmly said that he would definitely come back to see them in the future, and these people left.

After this farce, the atmosphere in the ward eased a lot. After a while, a family of four appeared at the gate of the hospital. Herry drove the car over in time, and all four of them got into the car.

As soon as he got home, Yu Xiangcheng tactfully called his younger brother to go upstairs with him. Herry also cleverly found an excuse to leave. The housekeeper even joked that he had to go back to his room to rest for a while. Yu Hai Nuo and Xia Andi remained.

The two stood quietly looking at each other, neither of them spoke first, just looked at each other.

After a while, Yu Hai Nuo's eyes were full of tears, and Xia Andi hugged her in distress: "Hainuo, don't cry, okay?"

Yu Hainuo shook his head in Xia Andi's arms: "Andy, what should we do? What should we do?"

Xia Andi hugged her even tighter. Although his heart was bitter, he understood her better: "It's okay, just do what you think is right. Don't worry about my child, I will take good care of you."

(End of this chapter)

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