Chapter 327 Painful Choice (2)

Xiang Cheng has changed, he has become cheerful, and he likes to laugh. Even the resentment towards his father before, she can see in the past few days of getting along. The father and son are now relieved. It was so beautiful, but now it is broken again.

Thinking of this, Yu Hai Nuo's heart suddenly became slightly sad, and she walked up to her two sons in three steps at a time and hugged them in a hug.

Little Ruirui doesn't know what's wrong with his mommy, he only knows that he likes mommy's embrace very much, so he hugs his mommy tightly, but Xiang Cheng knows his mommy's struggling heart now, and what he gave The response was to hold my younger brother and Mommy tightly in my arms, and then softly whispered into Heinuo's ear: "Mommy, no matter what the future holds, Rarity and I will always be your sons, your sons Decided that we will support, and no matter what you do, you are our mommy."

The son's sincere words made Yu Hainuo's eyes turn red instantly: "Thank you, Xiang Cheng."

The rest of the time became a wordless silence, no one spoke in the room, only the mother and the child were tightly attached to each other, but time was always like sand between fingers, the night was already deep, and Yu Hainuo was about to leave The time has come.

Xia Andi stood at the door of the room and gently knocked on the door: "Hainuo, it's late, I'll take you back."

"No, no, I don't want Mummy to leave." Xiao Ruirui suddenly lost her temper when she heard that her Mummy was leaving.

"Be good, Ruirui, don't cry." The child's tears suddenly made Yu Hainuo choke up, and suddenly she really wanted to stay, and just watch over the child for the rest of her life.

"No, I don't want it." Little Rarity was still losing her temper.

"Ruirui, you said you can listen to your brother." Yu Xiangcheng patiently communicated with little Ruirui.

This is the brother he admires the most, of course Xiao Ruirui listens to him, and when he hears his brother ask him this, Yu Xiangrui's answer is of course a nod.

Seeing the expected effect: "Then you should be obedient now and stop messing with Mommy. May I take you to find Mommy tomorrow?"

Little Ruirui rolled her big eyes, glanced at her daddy, then at her mommy, and finally turned her gaze back to her brother, then nodded sharply to the latter: "Brother, what do you want to say? to do it."

"Okay, then go get your clothes now, and my brother will take you to take a shower. I will sleep with my brother tonight, and I will take you to Mommy for breakfast tomorrow morning." Yu Xiangcheng gave the order neatly.

Yu Xiangrui, on the other hand, obediently went to his room to get the clothes that his brother gave him. Seeing the villain leave, Yu Xiangcheng hurriedly said to Yu Hainuo: "Daddy, send Mommy away quickly, Rui Rui I'll deal with it." After finishing speaking, he also followed out.

Seeing his son's thoughtfulness, Xia Andi smiled lightly: "Xiang Cheng is really a very good son."

"Yes, but we still owe this child too much." After Yu Hainuo finished speaking, there was no more words between the two lovers.

Until they got into the car, the car was very quiet along the way. Although both of them wanted time to continue, the road was still too short, and we still arrived at the hospital.

Neither of them got out of the car first: "I'm here."


The voices of the two rang out in the car at the same time, and they looked at each other with reluctance in their eyes, and finally Yu Hainuo calmed down, she looked at Xia Andy with a smile and said: "I think I should say goodbye to you .”

Xia Andy also nodded: "Goodbye." Then he glanced forward, unable to bear to see her leaving back.

(End of this chapter)

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