Chapter 328 Painful Choice (3)

At this moment, Yu Hainuo suddenly turned sideways and left a kiss on Xia Andi's lips, and then Xia Andi heard a faint voice: "Goodbye."

When Xia Andy turned his head again, he only saw the leaving figure and her smell in the carriage. Everything seemed so unreal, and the only real thing was probably the wet feeling on his lips.

When that figure disappeared completely, he drove the car and left slowly. After leaving, their lives became two parallel lines again.

In fact, Yu Hai Nuo didn't go far, she just hid her figure, after knowing that the car had left, she came out from the corner, her face was already full of tears, she really wanted to rush up to keep him, but She can only keep telling herself that I can't.

All of this fell into Chu Lianyue's eyes, although she felt distressed, she was helpless, she could only walk gently to Yu Hainuo's side and hugged her tightly: "Hainuo, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "

Burying his head completely in Chu Lianyue's shoulder, Yu Hainuo shook his head faintly: "Yue, I can't blame anyone for this, it's just something I decided to do."

"But my brother is already like this. I want to blame him for being selfish, but I can't say it. Now I can only work hard to fulfill his last wish, so Heinuo is sorry, I am really sorry." Speaking of this, Chu Even the moon is already full of tears.

Yu Hainuo let go of the person in his arms, and then reached out to wipe away the tears on the other person's face: "Hey, don't cry, your brother will be suspicious before he sees it. Liancheng is also the most important person to me, so My heart is the same as yours, and I must fulfill all his last wishes in his last life."

Hearing Yu Hainuo's words, Chu Lianyue nodded firmly: "Okay, let's work hard together."

Wiping each other's tears off each other's faces, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then walked side by side into the hospital, where there was a very important person to them, so they had to be strong.

The news of the wedding was officially announced through the media office of the 'CN' group on the second day. When everyone saw the news, they had different reactions.

Xia Andy looked at the woman in the newspaper with a touch of sadness, with a touch of bitterness in the corner of her mouth, but Herry standing beside him could only sigh helplessly, why does God always torture this loving couple?

Bei Chenxing received a call from his sister the night before, and after listening to it, he only said this: "Sister, Daddy and Mommy are already on the plane, and they said they want to attend your wedding."

Leng Xiluo's reaction was very calm, but under the calm appearance was a distressed heart. He knew Hai Nuo, and he understood that there must be reasons he didn't understand when she did this, but he knew that it must not be her true love. Thoughts, but he was also powerless to help her, so he could only stand behind her and support her.

Sura and Gu Nianqi are in the hotel room where Sura is staying at this time. Gu Nianqi is actually very afraid of this place, but she has something in the hands of the other party, so she still has to come: "Sura, our plan is now Do you still want to proceed?" After speaking, she nervously looked at Sura who was smiling strangely in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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