Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

The 337th chapter seems like another world

The 337th chapter seems like another world (2)

Hugging her into his arms, Chu Liancheng looked at the wedding dress in front of him with a slight bitterness on his face, but Yu Hainuo didn't notice: "Go, change it." After saying that, Chu Liancheng calmly exited the room, and walked for two A staff member began to cooperate with Yu Hainuo to change the wedding dress.

As soon as Chu Liancheng walked out of the room, he saw the man looking at him with a stern face. He suddenly smiled and walked over: "You are here."

Xia Andi didn't understand what this man was going to do. He received a call from him two days ago asking him to prepare a wedding dress, and then received a call from him last night asking him to send the wedding dress here this morning: "Chu Liancheng, what are you doing?" .”

"Come with me, let's chat." After explaining some things to the staff, Chu Liancheng took Xia Andi from the back door of the bridal shop to a coffee shop.

The two men were sitting face to face, and Xia Andi suddenly lost his mind, so he could only sigh weakly: "Let's talk."

Chu Liancheng's eyes stopped on Xia Andi's face for a while before he said, "Xia Andi, can you guarantee to give Hai Nuo a lifetime of happiness?"

Hearing what he said, Xia Andy suddenly looked up at him in surprise: "What do you mean?"

"You know my illness, I can't give Hai Nuo happiness, how can I delay her life because of this." Chu Liancheng's voice was very soft when he said this.

When Xia Andi heard it, she suddenly looked at him quietly: "Don't do this, Heinuo will be sad."

"I know she will be sad, but the sadness is only because of the loss of a loved one, not because of the loss of a lover. I don't have that much time. I just want to see her happy before I leave. I know she loves you, and you also I love him very much, if it wasn't because I was able to stop you in the middle, you might have been together five years ago." When Chu Liancheng said this, his body was already extremely tired, but he took a deep breath, and then Then he said to Andy Xia.

"Xia Andi, don't reject me, because you are not qualified. If you lose this opportunity, you and Hai Nuo will become two parallel lines forever, and for your two children, you must promise me."

Xia Andi originally wanted to refuse, but he hesitated when he heard these two words from Chu Liancheng, yes, the expectant eyes of the two sons made him unable to say the word 'no': "What do you want? Do."

This time he made up his mind, for the sake of the future, for the sake of his children, he needs to agree to Chu Liancheng.

After Chu Liancheng returned to the bridal dress shop, Yu Hainuo had already changed her clothes and was walking around in the bridal dress shop anxiously. When she saw Chu Liancheng, she hurriedly walked up to Chu Liancheng in three steps and two steps: "City, Where have you been, you want to kill me in a hurry." As she spoke, she looked at Chu Liancheng, with unconcealable anxiety in her eyes.

This worry made Chu Liancheng smile. It feels good that someone cares: "It's okay, I just went out for a walk out of boredom, haven't I come back now?"

"Well, let's take a photo." Yu Hainuo said lightly.

Chu Liancheng nodded and said, "Hainuo, let me watch your filming today? I'm a little tired."

When Chu Liancheng said that he was tired, Yu Hainuo immediately panicked: "Then let's stop filming and go back to the hospital."

Chu Liancheng shook his head with a smile: "I'm just a little tired, I want to see you take pictures, can you take pictures for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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