Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

The 338th chapter seems like another world

The 338th chapter seems like another world (3)

Under Chu Liancheng's expectant eyes, Yu Hainuo nodded, and then Chu Liancheng smiled: "Hainuo, I brought you two children to take wedding photos together, do you want it?"

Hearing about the two children, Yu Hainuo's eyes opened wide and he looked at Chu Liancheng's face full of surprise: "Yes, yes." No need to ask carefully, Yu Hainuo has already guessed who the two children are.

Sure enough: "Mommy, Mommy." Two calls in unison sounded from behind Yu Hainuo, and Yu Hainuo immediately turned around and hugged the two people who were rushing towards him, calling them excitedly. Name: "Xiang Cheng, Xiang Rui."

Xiao Xiangrui looked at his mommy with wide eyes, and then uttered a sentence that made everyone laugh, "Mummy, you are so beautiful, don't get married, wait for Rarity to grow up, and Rarity will marry you. "

Yu Xiangcheng was the first to react and tap Xiao Xiangrui on the head: "What are you talking about?" Then he looked at his mommy: "Mommy, you are really beautiful today."

"Yeah, the bride is very beautiful, and the two young handsome guys are also very handsome, so can we take a photo?" This time it was An Muchen who came with Yu Xiangcheng and Yu Xiangrui who spoke, and he also picked up the wedding last night. Call Chu Liancheng to ask him to bring the two children. Although he doesn't understand what this man is going to do, he believes that this man will not harm Hai Nuo. Since it is a good thing for Hai Nuo, he will definitely do it. .

The woman in front of her is really extraordinarily beautiful today. He has fantasized about her wearing a wedding dress for many years, and today it finally came true. Although the groom is not him, but now he has begun to know how to let go and bless her, and he can't give her happiness. Then Seeing her happy is not as good as happiness.

After he figured it out, he would no longer be embarrassed when facing the current Hai Nuo, but could walk in front of her calmly and generously, then gently hugged her and whispered in her ear: "Are you really happy today?" It's beautiful, I wish you happiness my girl."

A simple sentence made Yu Hainuo's eyes blush: "Mu Chen." She really wanted to say something, but found that she really didn't know what to say.

An Muchen gently shook his head at her: "You don't need to say anything, I know everything, let's take a picture."

"Okay." Some words really don't need to be said so clearly.

It turned out to be such a satisfying thing to focus on taking photos of my beloved women through the lens in my hand.

Throughout the whole day, An Muchen didn't stop the camera in his hand, just kept shooting and shooting. When he stopped to look at the photos in the camera, he finally smiled.

Whether it's Heinuo's solo photos or the photos of Heinuo and his children, they are all so perfect. Now he completely believes in a word, if a photographer doesn't have a perfect model, he can't take pictures with technology alone. Only the perfect combination of the two can make a perfect photo, which can make an excellent photographer.

He happily walked up to Yu Hainuo with the photos, and shouted loudly: "Hainuo, it's perfect. If you take this group of photos to participate in the exhibition, you will definitely win an award."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Hainuo glared at him: "Do you still think I'm not famous enough?"

No, no, no. "

"It's fine if you don't have one. Let's go have dinner together." After she finished speaking, she walked towards the place where Chu Liancheng was sitting: "Isn't it boring to wait all day?"

(End of this chapter)

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