Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

The 340th chapter seems like another world

The 340th chapter seems like another world (5)

With a cold expression, Xia Zhi continued: "I'll just say what I have to say, and I won't make such a detour with you. I think you already know that Hai Nuo is your daughter. Although I don't want to admit it, blood relationship can't be changed. .”

Gu Qi nodded lightly: "Yes, I knew about it five years ago."

Sure enough, as she expected, Xia Zhi suddenly became agitated: "Why did you let Gu Nianqi hurt her and the child like that after you found out five years ago? Is Gu Nianqi the only one who is your daughter? Could it be that Heinuo Isn't it? How can you be so cruel. "

"Zhi'er, don't get excited." He deliberately still called this woman as he did many years ago, and also anxiously explained that he didn't want her to misunderstand: "I really didn't know that Hai Nuo was my son and daughter, if I knew, how could I go that way? Hurt her, she is my child, me and your child, it's too late for me to love you." When Gu Qi said this, he was also asking himself how many things he had done wrong all these years to make his wife and child When the wife left, she didn't even recognize the only one standing in front of her, and she hurt her like that.

"Now that I know that I regret Gu Qi, where did you go?" Xia Zhi smiled coldly. She disdained this man, and she didn't want her daughter to know that there was such a father as him.

"I'm sorry Zhi'er." Gu Qi only had this sentence after thousands of words. He knew that the harm he had done to this woman and daughter in this life was to pay him everything because it couldn't be wiped away, and he knew even more that they didn't even bother his everything.

"Forget it, the past is over." Xia Zhi suddenly felt a little powerless in her heart, yes, it's been many years, so why should she care?
Gu Qi has always known that this woman is very good, but now that he knows it, he regrets it. She is now someone else's. It is impossible for him to interfere with her current happy life. In his lifetime, his only hope is his daughter. If he could call him father, and his grandson could call him grandfather, then he would be willing to die, and this was the purpose of his appointment with Xia Zhi today.

"Zhi'er, can I discuss something with you?" Gu Qi asked cautiously.

Xia Zhi is so smart, she immediately understood, she said lightly: "Gu Qi, some things are not just what you and I say, Heinuo is an adult, even Xiangcheng is 13 years old, I still can't do it all. Mommy is responsible, I have no right to say anything to Heinuo, so I can't help you."

Xia Zhi's words made Gu Qi's heart drop to the bottom. If Xia Zhi couldn't help him, what else could he do?Gu Qi, who was in a sudden mood, suddenly clutched his heart, and then fell to the ground. Xia Zhi sat up from the chair in a panic, then rushed to the outside of the box and shouted to the waiter outside: "Here Someone passed out, call an ambulance."

A group of well-trained shop assistants sent Gu Qi to the hospital. After the hospital's emergency treatment, Gu Qi woke up. He looked weakly at Xia Zhi who was standing by his bed, and said with a faint smile, "I'm sorry, Zhi'er. ,make you worry."

Xia Zhi suddenly didn't know what to say, so she could only shake her head lightly: "Why is the heart disease so serious and not hospitalized?"

(End of this chapter)

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