Domineering cute baby: Chief step aside

The 341th chapter seems like another world

The 341th chapter seems like another world (6)

As soon as Gu Qi heard that she knew he was sick, he shook his head: "The hospital is very lonely, I don't want to lie here and wait to die, I still have a wish to fulfill, I will come to the hospital when it is done.

Xia Zhi understood what he was referring to, and then she had another decision in her mind: "Gu Qi, take care of your illness, I will talk to Hai Nuo."

"Okay, thank you." With Xia Zhi's guarantee, Gu Qi was relieved, no matter whether he could succeed or not, at least he had one more hope.

At this moment, Gu Nianqi was standing at the door of the ward, with a distorted expression on her face. She received a call from the hospital and rushed to the hospital, but she didn't expect to see this scene.

Just when she was about to leave, another word from the ward made her stop again.

"Zhi'er, do you know? Nian Qi is not my biological daughter." Gu Qi said this lightly and looked at the reaction of the woman in front of him. In his consciousness, he always thought that Zhi'er left him because he hugged her. returned another woman's child.

Xia Zhi's reaction was very flat, she glanced at Gu Qi indifferently: "I know she is not your child."

Gu Qi laughed suddenly: "So you knew you were going to leave me, how much I hurt you back then."

Gu Nianqi who was outside the door stopped listening to the next words. She had never thought that she was not her father's biological daughter. Now that she heard it all of a sudden, she couldn't accept it. She was not her own daughter, not her own son. There are such words in my mind over and over again.

Suddenly she became afraid, if it wasn't her own daughter, then everything in the Gu Group would have nothing to do with her now, so what would be left for her, Gu Nianqi? Not only would she lose her proud family background, but even her only The reliance is gone.

Is Yu Hainuo Gu Qi's biological daughter?This reason can make her hate Heinuo even more, she hates her, why would she take everything from her as soon as she appeared, why?Is Yu Hainuo going to marry Chu Liancheng now?Does that mean that she and Andy Xia still have hope?

After dinner, Chu Lianyue and Yu Hainuo sent the exhausted Chu Liancheng to the hospital, while the two children were brought to Beichenxing by An Muchen.

Bei Chenxing put the two children to sleep first, and then the two men walked into Bei Chenxing's study: "Brother Muchen, what is the situation now." Bei Chenxing looked at An Muchen anxiously and asked.

"I don't know much, I only know that Chu Liancheng suffered from brain cancer, and Hai Nuo married him because of this, but Chu Liancheng seems to have some arrangements, I don't know about these." An Muchen said calmly know everything.

"Brain cancer?" Bei Chenxing called out these two words in surprise, he couldn't believe that the arrogant man would have this disease.

"Yes, brain cancer, and it's already at an advanced stage. Before Tingyue, it was Chu Liancheng's younger sister Chu Lianyue who mentioned that there might be one month left to live."

"You and Chu Lianyue are very familiar." Bei Chenxing didn't miss the very ambiguous name his brother Mu Chen called.

An Muchen looked at Bei Chenxing in surprise: "Don't talk nonsense, I'll go back first." Saying that, An Muchen was about to go out.

At the same time he opened the study door, Bei Chenxing's faint voice sounded behind him: "Brother Muchen, you are a good man, but you have nothing to do with your sister, so I hope that if you are by my side, you will be a good partner." Just take care of it, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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