Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 103 Landmines

Chapter 103 Landmines
Li Jing smiled and said: "The advantages and disadvantages of officers and soldiers are finished, so should we talk about our advantages and disadvantages?"

Gao Qi smiled and said: "Brother is playing tricks in front of big brother, big brother don't want to make fun of me."

Li Jing waved his hand and said, "I don't have time to joke with you at this time. I called everyone here just to listen to everyone's opinions and find the best plan to retreat from the enemy."

Gao Qi said with embarrassment: "Brother made a slip of the tongue, big brother is not to blame. Then I will continue."

Li Jing nodded.

Gao Qi continued: "Our strengths and weaknesses are also obvious. Our advantage is that the terrain is favorable, and the brothers have the confidence to die. The weakness is that the number of people is too small, and the training time of many brothers is too short, so they cannot form combat effectiveness at all. "

After a pause, Gao Qi continued: "I mean, this time we will rely on favorable terrain for defense. My opinion is to divide the three battalions into the main village of Hongshanling, Tiger Ridge and Wanbai Mountain valley. Because The terrain in the valley of Wanbai Mountain is the most favorable, so it is best to move all the brothers’ families there.”

Li Jing pondered for a while and nodded, then shook his head: "Your combat thinking is relatively stable, but there is one thing you said that I don't quite agree with, that is, the brothers you said have the confidence to die."

Li Jing sighed and said: "We have too many newcomers, it's not only a matter of not being able to form a combat force, the key is their courage, they can't be like the old brothers who are not afraid of officers and soldiers, can they not be afraid when they see officers and soldiers pressing down? I Not necessarily. We must give them confidence and let them know that we will definitely be able to repel the officers and soldiers, so that they will not panic."

Gao Qi wondered: "Then how can we make them confident?"

Li Jing said solemnly: "The family members of the brothers will not be transferred, as usual, they can do whatever they want."

Gao Qi hesitated for a moment and said, "Will this be a little risky?"

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "It is indeed a bit risky, but this risk is worth taking. You think, when these newcomers see that our family members are living a normal life, they must believe that we must have a way to repel the officers and soldiers. In this way, they will naturally Then they won’t be afraid. After the official battle, they find that the officers and soldiers are actually more afraid of death, and some are even worse than them, and their morale will increase rapidly at that time.”

Li Jing smiled and continued: "Also, don't forget, we still have Sun Meng and Liu Hong. As long as we know the offensive route of the officers and soldiers, what are we afraid of? I will prepare some for the officers and soldiers at that time." Gifts, give them a surprise first."

Seeing that Li Jing's smile was a bit malicious, Gao Qi knew that Li Jing might use some harmful tactics to deal with these officers and soldiers.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing continued: "We now have three battalions, but there are only two battalion officers. How about this, Chen Dahu temporarily acts as the battalion commander of the third battalion, Wang Ermao is Chen Dahu's deputy, and you two are in charge of defending the Wanbai Mountain Valley. "

Chen Dahu and Wang Ermao were overjoyed and hurriedly accepted their orders.

Li Jing looked at Chen Dahu and Wang Ermao seriously and said: "You two listen to me, if you two can't guard the valley of Wanbai Mountain, I will never show mercy."

"Brother, don't worry, the valley of Wanbai Mountain is built like a copper wall and iron wall. If you can't hold it, I don't need to tell you, I will cut off my head myself." Chen Dahu said urgently.

Hearing what Chen Dahu said, Li Jing frowned immediately.

There is no impregnable fortress in the world. Throughout the ages, countless defenses that thought they were like iron walls and iron walls have finally been breached. The main reason is this blind self-confidence.

Li Jing frowned and said: "You have to remember that no matter how strong the city wall is, it will be dead. If you want to defend it, you have to rely on people. If you think that building a city wall can stop officers and soldiers, then you don't have to be a battalion commander." Forget it. Forget it, I don’t think you are a battalion commander, let Uncle Chen come, and you and Ermao will be your father’s deputy.”

Old man Chen said yes with a smile, but he sighed in his heart.

Old man Chen knew that Li Jing wanted to promote Dahu, but Chen Dahu didn't live up to his expectations, and he didn't use his brain when he spoke. It seemed that he still needed practice!

Seeing that he became the deputy battalion commander with a single word, Chen Dahu was dumbfounded at the time.

Seeing Chen Dahu's dejected expression, Shen Zheng glanced at old man Chen, and suddenly smiled softly: "Dahu, you should learn from your father, you must know that your father's ten years of service as a soldier were not for nothing. , you are still a little tender."

Chen Dahu nodded, knowing that Shen Zhengzheng was reminding him that fighting a war is not just about bravery, especially when you are an officer, you need to use your brains.

Seeing that Chen Dahu could listen to his words, Li Jing turned his head to look at Gao Qi and said, "You lead the second battalion to defend Tiger Ridge, and I will ask Liu Erlen and Zhang Chu to be your assistants."

Gao Qi nodded and cupped his fists to accept the order.

Seeing that Li Jing had also been promoted to an official position, Liu Erleng and Zhang Chu were overjoyed and hurriedly saluted Li Jing.

Li Jing waved his hands and said solemnly: "Gao Qi, Er Leng, Zhang Chu, there is no danger to defend Tiger Ridge, you are likely to be attacked on two sides, or even three sides, so it is the most difficult to defend. I will give you the Menhu Squat Cannon, and I will also give you the new musket made by Zhao Shuangxi."

"Thank you, brother." Gao Qi bowed and said.

Li Jing waved his hand and signaled Gao Qi to sit down, then turned to look at Tiger Zhou and said, "Tiger, you can follow me, we are responsible for guarding the main village of Hongshanling."

Zhou Huhu got up and said yes.

Then Li Jing said to Chen Erhu: "Er Hu, you immediately take the assault team and the fourth scout team to disperse the attack. No officer or soldier is allowed to scout in ten miles outside Hongshanling, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Chen Erhu replied loudly.

"Er Hu, this is your first time acting alone, so you have to behave well and don't forget what I taught you." Li Jing continued.

Chen Erhu nodded heavily.

Finally, Li Jing looked at Shen Zheng and said with a smile: "Uncle, help me prepare a hundred jars the size of watermelons, wine jars are fine, they must be strong."

Shen Zheng didn't know what Li Jing was going to do, he just nodded with a smile.

After thinking about it, Li Jing waved his hand and said, "Let's all prepare. Don't spread the news of the encirclement by officers and soldiers, lest the villagers panic."

Everyone nodded in yes, and then got up to say goodbye.

Seeing that Shen Zheng was about to go out, Li Jing suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly called Shen Zheng to a stop: "Uncle, wait a moment."

Shen Zheng turned his head and saw Li Jing's expression was serious, he hurried back and asked, "Nephew, what else is there?"

"Uncle, after the things are ready, you can take Auntie and Jixian to the valley of Wanbai Mountain." Li Jing said.

Upon hearing this, Shen Zheng knew that Li Jing was not sure that he would be able to hold on to the Red Mountain Ridge. He was planning a way out for himself.

After thinking for a while, Shen Zheng shook his head, lightly patted Li Jing's shoulder and said, "Nephew, your favorite uncle has been taken, but I can't leave. If our family leaves, when the officers and soldiers attack the mountain, don't we tell everyone?" Shen is greedy for life and afraid of death."

Li Jing was silent, knowing that Shen Zheng was betting his entire family's wealth and life on it, betting that he could win the battle.

In an instant, Li Jing's confidence surged. He nodded vigorously and said, "Uncle, don't worry, the officers and soldiers I must fight in this battle will tremble in their calves when they hear the word Hongshanling."

"Hahaha, that's exactly what it should be!" Shen Zheng laughed loudly.

After the crowd dispersed, Li Jing immediately found Zhao Shuangxi and ordered all the craftsmen to put down their work and devote all their efforts to making landmines, and the landmines were the surprise that Li Jing was going to give to the officers and soldiers.

In fact, Li Jing knew that in the Ming Dynasty, the technology of making landmines was very mature, and the way of detonating them was already approaching the modern use of landmines.However, landmines also need to be made by hand, and are limited by the power of explosives. The use of landmines has not attracted enough attention, so they are not widely used.

But now Li Jing has made more powerful explosives, and this time the officers and soldiers are encircling and suppressing Hongshanling to carry out a comprehensive defense. How can we not use landmines as a weapon of mass destruction?

There are many types of landmines, and Li Jing is only planning to make pull-type mines limited to the situation in Hongshanling. (Most of the landmines used in the movie Landmine Warfare are this kind of pull-type mines, so there is a line that does not see the devil and does not hang the string.)
The reason is very simple. The Red Mountain Ridge is the area where the bandits live. If stepping mines are planted, it will be very dangerous to take them out afterwards. If you accidentally step on them, you will be the unlucky one.

The detonation of the landmine mainly depends on the ignition device, and the ignition device of the pull-fire mine is relatively simple and very safe.

Li Jing organized Zhao Shuangxi and other craftsmen and taught them to make ignition devices.

This kind of firing device is actually to separate the firing pin and flint with a small mechanism. When detonating, the rope is pulled, the mechanism jumps away, the firing pin hits the flint to ignite, and the gunpowder is ignited to detonate the mine.

The reason is very simple, but it is not easy to do. People who are not handy really can't do it.

These craftsmen brought by Zhao Shuangxi have been doing fine work such as polishing parts all day for half a year. In terms of dexterity, few people can match them.

Under Li Jing's guidance, several ignition devices were quickly made.

"Master, you said we don't need this ignition device, can't we just ignite it directly with fire? Wouldn't that be more convenient?" A craftsman said while making.

Li Jingjing nodded with a smile and said: "It's not impossible, but it needs to use a very long fuse, otherwise the person who detonates will be within the range of the explosion, which is very dangerous. But the fuse is too Longer, the burning time will be longer, once the enemy finds out, as long as the fuse is cut off, the mine will not be able to detonate."

The craftsman nodded and said nothing more.

"Boss, you said that if we connect multiple fuzes with one ignition device, then we only need to use one ignition device, can't we detonate many mines at the same time?" Zhao Shuangxi said.

Li Jing smiled and said: "You are right. This kind of landmine is called a chain mine, and it covers a larger area. But we don't need it. The gunpowder I made myself is very powerful. One can cover a large area and detonate in a row. Some waste."

"En!" Zhao Shuangxi nodded.

When Li Jing was experimenting with explosives, Zhao Shuangxi had seen it before, and knew that the newly produced explosives were extremely powerful, a little bit equal to ten times the power of the previous gunpowder.

(End of this chapter)

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