Chapter 104
However, Li Jing was very happy that these craftsmen could learn from one another.

He likes such people who can use their brains more. Only in this way can the skills be improved step by step.

With the help of Zhao Shuangxi and his skilled craftsmen, a hundred ignition devices were quickly completed.

After Li Jing checked carefully, he asked Zhao Shuangxi and others to put away the ignition device, and then led them to a cave.

In fact, this cave was blown up bit by bit by Li Jing with explosives, and the new explosives Li Jing made during this period were stored inside. These explosives were sealed and preserved in large wine jars.

Li Jing took Zhao Shuangxi and others carefully moved out two large wine urns, and then closed the cave again.

The next step is to start making mines.

The production of landmines is much simpler, the shell is ready-made, and the one hundred wine jars that Shen Zheng asked for are used.

In order to increase the power, Li Jing asked Zhao Shuangxi to get a lot of lead pellets, mix them with explosives and put them into the wine jar.

Then put in a fuse, seal the wine jar with mud, leave a section of the fuse outside, and install the ignition device, and a landmine is made.

After installing all the landmines, Li Jing took one to prepare for the next detonation experiment.

Hearing that Li Jing was going to experiment with a new weapon, Shen Zheng, Zhang Ao and others all came to watch. After thinking about it, Li Jing ordered people to inform Gao Qi, old man Chen and Zhou Huhu, and asked them to kill all their subordinates. Bring them all to watch the fun.

Let everyone come to watch the experimental results, mainly to let everyone see the power of landmines, so that they will be more confident when the officers and soldiers have not handed over, and they will be more careful when they see the power of landmines.

Li Jing led the crowd to a deserted place, found a long rope and tied it to the trigger device, and then buried the landmine with his own hands.

"Stand back!" Li Jing yelled at everyone.

When everyone heard the words, they hurriedly backed away. Li Jing estimated the distance between the people and the mine, and felt that it was safe enough, so he put the rope lightly and retreated step by step.

After retreating about 70 steps, Li Jing asked everyone to cover their ears, then bent down and lay down on the ground, and pulled the rope violently.

There was only a loud bang, and then a gust of wind suddenly picked up, flying sand and rocks within [-] steps from the center of the mine, and the surrounding trees and grass kept snapping as if being swept by a storm.

"My god, such a thing can have such great power." A bandit said in surprise.

"If you stand in the explosion area, will you survive?" Another bandit was also surprised.

Li Jing got up and shook the leaves and dust off his body, then looked at the area where the mine exploded for a while, then sighed softly, and shook his head slowly.

Seeing Li Jing get up, Gao Qi and the others hurried over. Seeing Li Jing shaking his head and sighing, he couldn't help asking in wonder, "Brother, are you not satisfied with the effect?"

Li Jing shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm dissatisfied with the effect of the mines. To be honest, the power of the mines is beyond my estimation. Think about it, once officers and soldiers walk into the area where the mines explode, what will happen after they detonate?"

Li Jing didn't wait for Gao Qi and others to answer, then continued: "You have also seen that as long as you are in this area, no one will be spared. Sigh! They are all raised by their parents, and there will inevitably be countless Families are broken by this!"

Shen Zheng and the others fell silent when they heard this.

Gao Qi looked at Li Jing's expression and knew that Li Jing's words were from the bottom of his heart, but didn't he mean something else when he said such words in front of so many people?
After thinking about it, Gao Qi suddenly realized that Hongshanling has recruited so many people this time, there is no guarantee that there will be no government spies among them. Brother Li Jing is telling these people that I don't want to fight against the government, and I don't want to kill more people.

After pondering for a while, Gao Qi approached Li Jing and said softly, "Brother, why don't I order someone to notify Brother Sun and Liu Hong, and let them take as many people as possible out of the area where the mine exploded?"

Li Jing was taken aback for a moment, then understood Gao Qi's meaning, smiled lightly, and patted Gao Qi's shoulder.

Gao Qi understood and nodded slightly.

The mine was successfully produced, but the follow-up news from the officers and soldiers has not yet arrived.

Without knowing the course of action of officers and soldiers, landmines cannot be planted casually.

Now Li Jing naturally hoped that the officers and soldiers would come as late as possible, so that he would have time to train his troops.

And with this time, Li Jing can do something else.

This time Li Jing was going to make a grenade.

Certainly not the kind of grenade used in modern times.

That's too troublesome, what Li Jing wants to do is the simplest grenade.

How simple is it?

It's so simple that the shell of the grenade is made of yellow mud.

When pinching, hollow out the middle and leave a hole, which can be used after drying, about the size of a fist.

Even children can do this stuff, and children do it more seriously than adults.

If the children of Hongshanling respected Li Jing before, now they like it very much.

Who would have thought that Li Jing would take the children to play with mud, and he would play with great interest.

The mobilization of young and old in Hongshanling made at least a thousand of these things in just one day.

Of course, there are also a lot of waste products, either too big, too small, or have cracks, or the mouth is too small to fit the lead shot.

After this thing was made, it was filled with explosives and lead pellets, and then loaded into the fuse.

Of course, the length of the fuse must be calculated in advance to ensure that it will not explode in the hand before throwing it out.

Finally, seal it with yellow mud.

If it is said that landmines are weapons of mass destruction and play a deterrent role, then this kind of grenade is a real weapon of wounding.

Due to the small size, less explosives, and yellow mud shell, this kind of grenade is very difficult to kill unless it blows to the head and other vital parts.

You must know that officers and soldiers wear armor on their bodies. Even if the quality is poor, it is still armor, which can play a great role in protection.

In fact, Li Jing didn't intend to use this kind of thing to kill officers and soldiers, and wounding talents was his biggest purpose.

Because if you die directly, only the people around you will see it, that is to say, you can only scare a few people around you, but after being injured, many people will instinctively shout for help, which will cause fear to many people around you.

What Li Jing wants is the fear of officers and soldiers.

Because fear will make the officers and soldiers lose the courage to attack, for fear that they will be the next injured person, and when more and more people shout for help in front of the battlefield, the spirits of the officers and soldiers behind will inevitably collapse in the end, and then they will retreat.

At this time, if it is supplemented by one or two mine explosions, the officers and soldiers will inevitably be defeated, and it will be difficult to organize them.

The purpose of Li Jing's use of these weapons is not only to defeat the officers and soldiers, but also to maintain the peace of Hongshanling for at least a year.

In a year's time, these recruits will be trained and formed.The new equipment should be almost manufactured. As long as there is new equipment, new weapons can be produced in large quantities. When the officers and soldiers come to encircle and suppress, Li Jing will not need to passively defend. Even if he takes the initiative to attack, he will be very sure of winning.

After a few more days, Li Jing finally got the exact news that the officers and soldiers were dispatched.

Almost at the same time, Sun Meng and Liu Hong told Li Jing the route of action of the officers and soldiers and the method of attack.

At the same time, the two also told Li Jing that a commander-in-chief was also sent by the two governments to send troops this time.

This man's name is Qian Zhong, and he is the commander and envoy of the capital of Henan Province.

The commander of the Henan capital ordered Wei Hui and Zhangde's guards to send troops to encircle and suppress the bandits at the same time. They must send someone to unify their command, and this person is Qian Zhong.

Qian Zhong knew very well that Liang Yuan had dug a hole for himself, because in the Ming Dynasty, commanding troops and fighting were two different things. Commanders only had the power to command troops, not wars.

The power to command the war is in the hands of the imperial court and the Ministry of War.

When there is a war, the imperial court will appoint a general, that is, the commander-in-chief to command the battle.

The purpose of this is to prevent the people below from becoming warlords and supporting troops to rebel.

From the point of view of preventing local warlords from rebelling, the Ming Dynasty did a good job. From the beginning to the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were no local warlords rebelling.

As for Ming Chengzu Zhu Di competing for the throne with his nephew, that is a family matter, not this case.

This did prevent warlords from causing chaos, but at the same time another problem arose.

Since the commander-in-chief is only temporarily appointed, he doesn't know his subordinates at all, and the grassroots officers and soldiers don't know the commander-in-chief either.

That is to say, the general does not know the soldier, and the soldier does not know the general.

In this way, can this battle still be fought?

The commander-in-chief ordered the soldiers to attack, but the soldiers were afraid of death and did not dare to attack, or the grassroots officers saw an opportunity and wanted to attack, but the commander-in-chief was afraid of death and did not dare to attack, so the opportunity was missed.

Therefore, although the Ming Dynasty had the greatest military strength at that time, it always lost battles.

Later, the rulers of the Ming Dynasty also discovered this problem, so the commander-in-chief became a permanent position.

However, although the rank of the general soldiers is high, the number of troops is limited, generally only five to six thousand.Such a small number of people must not be able to rebel.

Moreover, the position of commander-in-chief is usually set up in the frontier army, which is almost nonexistent in the interior, at least not in Henan for the time being.

The meaning of no is that if you want to fight a war, you must inform the court and let the court appoint generals.

But this time the bandits were suppressed in Xu Baichuan's territory, and they couldn't report to the imperial court, so they had to jump into it even though they knew it was a money trap.

Because it is Qian Zhong's intention to send troops from the two governments to suppress the bandits, if you don't want to bring troops, then inform the imperial court and ask the imperial court to appoint a general to command the troops. In that case, it would be tantamount to selling Xu Baichuan.

Even if Cui Chengxiu is the minister of the Ministry of War, Xu Baichuan cannot be kept.

There are a large number of bandits in the Weihui Mansion, and the guards of the two mansions need to send troops to encircle and suppress them. Can you, the magistrate, continue to do it?
So Xu Baichuan had to cover this cover.

And Qian Zhong needs to help Xu Baichuan cover this cover.

Do officials protect each other, not to mention that he and Xu Baichuan are comrades in the same trench, if he doesn't protect, what will others think of him?

But Qian Zhong was not a fool, he knew that he could not use the excuse of leading troops to suppress bandits to command the soldiers and horses of the guards of the two prefectures.

He thought of a trick to check the training situation below, because that's what he was in charge of.

This makes sense.

(End of this chapter)

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