Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 105 Lure the enemy to go deep

Chapter 105 Lure the enemy to go deep
Of course Xu Baichuan knew the stakes, he would never let Qian Zhong take this risk for him.

Xu Baichuan himself has saved a lot of money over the years and bought many properties.In addition, his elder brother Xu Baishan helped him prepare the rare treasures to honor Cui Chengxiu and Wei Zhongxian. Although they disappeared, the Xu family still has a lot of land and many shops.

After the elder brother and nephew passed away, Xu Baichuan was the head of the Xu family. He naturally had the right to dispose of these lands and shops, and the reason for handling it was also high-sounding: revenge for the elder brother and nephew.

This reason naturally left the two nieces and daughters-in-law speechless.

However, Xu Baichuan knew that the two nephews had descendants, so he left some land and property for the two grandnephews.

With these lands and properties, nephews and grandchildren can live comfortably in the future.

It should be said that Xu Baichuan still values ​​brotherhood.

In order to avenge his eldest brother, Xu Baichuan spent all his money this time, taking out almost all of the Xu family's property.

Not counting those who bribed their superiors, Xu Baichuan also promised a heavy reward, every time a bandit is killed, he will be rewarded with ten taels of silver, for killing a bandit leader, he will be rewarded with 100 taels of silver, for killing Shen Zheng, he will be rewarded with 3000 taels of silver, and for killing Li Jing, he will be rewarded with 5000 taels of silver. two.

Hearing that Xu Baichuan had promised such a great reward, Li Jing couldn't stop smiling wryly.

He didn't expect that he could be worth so much silver.

Li Jing now understood the meaning of the phrase "cut the grass and root out the roots."

It was a mistake not to assassinate Xu Baichuan at the beginning.

If Xu Baichuan had been killed together back then, it would have been like today's situation at most, but there would certainly not be such a heavy reward.This is simply to stimulate the officers and soldiers to fight the bandits for the reward of silver.

Now it depends on whether Li Jing's mines and grenades are more powerful or Xu Baichuan's money is more powerful.

But Sun Meng and Liu Hong then sent new news.

Qian Zhong transferred eighty tiger squatting cannons from Kaifeng, and at the same time dispatched all the tiger squatting cannons from the guards of the two prefectures, including 180 from the Zhangde guard and [-] from the Weihui guard. Together there are [-] doors in total.

Hearing this news, Li Jing was also a little surprised.

Going into the mountain to suppress the bandits, they actually had to carry artillery up the mountain. It seems that the officers and soldiers have also spent their money this time, and they have the posture of not destroying the bandits and not returning to the army.

The weight of the tiger squatting gun is less than 160 catties, and it is very light when transporting. Although the shelling distance of the tiger squatting gun is limited, about [-] steps (equivalent to [-] meters), the bandits within this distance can only be beaten Son, completely unable to fight back.

Once these tiger crouching guns are transported to the mountain, it will cause disaster to the bandits.

No wonder the officers and soldiers took so long to prepare for the operation. It turned out that they were preparing artillery.

Now Li Jing had to change Yishan's defense strategy.

But a sneak attack like that time must be impossible. According to Sun Meng, the officers and soldiers guarded the logistics and supplies extremely strictly this time, and the artillery unit was with the main force, so there was no possibility of a sneak attack.

Li Jing looked at the map, frowned and pondered for a long time, and finally came up with an idea: lure the enemy.

After careful scrutiny, Li Jing felt that there was no omission, and immediately asked Gao Qi to be called.

When Gao Qi arrived from Tiger Ridge, Li Jing told Gao Qi that the officers and soldiers were carrying a large number of tiger squat cannons. Gao Qi also looked solemn when he heard it.

Calling Gao Qi to the front of the map, Li Jing took a pen and drew a few arrows on the east and west sides of the map, and then said: "Gao Qi, look, this is the marching route of the officers and soldiers. Among them, Sun Meng and Liu Don’t worry about the two routes of Hong, let’s fight the other two routes first. I’m going to do this.”

Li Jing explained his plan to lure the enemy deep and introduce an ambush strategy, Gao Qi thought about it and repeatedly praised the cleverness of this strategy.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "What's so clever? We have weapons like landmines, and we also have insiders to inform the officers and soldiers of the attack route. If we don't know how to fight, it will be a shame."

Gao Qi laughed and said, "Brother, you don't need to be humble. Brother, don't you understand me? Although you often say that you don't have to be afraid if you don't know how to fight, and you don't have to be afraid of losing a battle. As long as you fight a few more times, you will be fine. But brother knows, leading the army Fighting a war is not as easy as the elder brother said, this thing requires talent, otherwise, there are countless famous generals from ancient times to the present, but how many people can actually be called famous generals?"

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "You can brag for me! Let's not talk about this, let's talk about luring the enemy. Gao Qi, the officers and soldiers attacked from multiple directions this time, so we have to split up, I mean Let me lead a battalion to ambush the soldiers in Lin County, and you lead the second battalion to ambush the soldiers in the direction of Wei Hui, what do you think?"

"That's right, but when we lure the enemy deep into the ambush, we have to prevent the officers and soldiers from taking the opportunity to divide their troops to attack the mountain. Therefore, my opinion is to plant landmines in several places that are easy to enter the mountain. If the officers and soldiers come, then Fry his grandma." Gao Qi thought for a while.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Yes, we can lure the enemy deep, and we can't fall into the tactics of the officers and soldiers. In addition, you can inform Liu Hong to move slowly and listen to our news."

Gao Qi nodded yes.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing continued: "Liu Erlen is reckless, and it is more appropriate for him to charge and fight. I think this is the case. You take people to lure the enemy, and let Zhang Chu do it by detonating the landmines. Zhang Chu acts safely, and let him detonate the mines." I am more at ease. When the landmine is detonated, the officers and soldiers will inevitably panic, and then let Liu Erlang lead the charge."

Gao Qi pondered for a while and said, "I'm afraid that Liu Erlang won't be able to hold back his temper. This person's character is not very suitable for ambushes."

Li Jing looked at Gao Qi and said with a smile: "Are you afraid that Liu Er will not obey your orders? Don't worry, if he dares to disobey your orders, I will cut off his dog's head when he turns around."

Gao Qi shook his head and said, "Although Er Leng is not convinced by me, he never dares to disobey the order of the elder brother. I am worried that he will not be able to grasp the situation and attack prematurely."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Don't be afraid of this, you just need to tell him that he must be allowed to attack after the mine is detonated, otherwise if the casualties of his brothers are too heavy, I will not spare him when he comes back."

Gao Qi nodded.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said again: "You should ask your brothers to bring some grenades. The training time for the brothers is still short. Once you are in close combat, you may not be the opponent of the officers and soldiers. Use the grenade to blow it up first, and it will be easier to fight later."

Gao Qi nodded with a smile.

After Gao Qi left, Li Jing immediately asked Zhou Huhu to gather the troops of the first battalion, and after some arrangements, he started to act.

On Dahu Mountain in Linqi Town, Zhang Qianhu returned to the place where he was attacked.

However, it was summer at this time, and the original camp had already been covered with green grass.

Zhang Qianhu was a little dissatisfied with the commander who assigned him to this road, so this road leads to the direction of Hongshanling.And Zhang Qianhu didn't want to fight tough battles with the bandits, because he knew what his subordinates were like better than anyone else.

His subordinates are actually only about [-] people, and they don't usually conduct strict training.The rest are military households temporarily recruited from the fields, and these military households have no combat effectiveness at all.

Zhang Qianhu's original intention was to let Sun Meng come to attack Hongshanling, and he would assist on the flank.

Zhang Qianhu knew that although Sun Meng had not been in Zhangde for a long time, he was very good at training soldiers. The most elite soldiers in the entire Zhangde Guard were all in Sun Meng's hands, and they were absolutely full.

It is said that in order to train these subordinates, Sun Meng paid out of his own pocket, not to mention food and money, and also helped many subordinates solve their family problems.

You must know that there are more than 1000 soldiers. Although the soldiers in the guards pay low money, each person only has seven dollars a month, but more than 1000 people get more than 700 taels of silver.This is not counting those hundreds of households, the general flag and the small flags, if all of them are counted, it will cost at least 1000 taels.

Zhang Qianhu didn't know where Sun Meng got so much money.

And these soldiers were grateful for Sun Meng's kindness, and they were all desperately trained.

Zhang Qianhu didn't understand why Sun Meng treated the soldiers like this, nor did he understand why Sun Meng trained the soldiers like this, and he didn't understand why these soldiers got so much training energy.

Until one day Zhang Qianhu happened to meet some soldiers transferred from his Qianhu station to Sun Meng's side, and asked them why they had to train like this.

Those soldiers only said one thing, Sun Qianhu is righteous and means enough to them, they can't repay them, train hard now, and if one day Sun Qianhu wants to lead troops to fight in the future, they will work hard for Sun Qianhu, trying to let Sun Qianhu Thousands of households made meritorious service, becoming a general or something.

After hearing what the soldiers said, Zhang Qianhu was suddenly dumbfounded.Co-author Sun Qianhu did this to prepare for his future promotion.

At this time, Zhang Qianhu also understood that if the soldiers could say such things, then the combat effectiveness of Sun Meng's soldiers was beyond doubt.

Zhang Qianhu believed that the commander would not be ignorant of this.

But I don't know what the Commander-in-Chief thought, he even arranged Sun Meng to the flank, and told him that his approach was actually a bluff, and the real main attack was the flank.

And in order to form absolute pressure against the bandits, Deng Qianhu's guard was sent over to act with him.

After hearing this, Zhang Qianhu cursed inwardly, you put the soldiers and horses of the two Qianhu Institute on the front, and then said that the flanks are the main attack?You're lying to me, I guess it's because Sun Meng didn't know how much he paid you, so you put him on the flank.

But remembering that Sun Meng treats him very well, Zhang Qianhu feels ashamed to care about Sun Meng.

Zhang Qianhu just made up his mind not to go to the front line in person, whoever wants to do his best will go, anyway, I won't go.

"Everyone take a break where you are, cheer me up, don't forget the experience of our attack last year." Zhang Qianhu shouted loudly.

"Yes!" The soldiers around Zhang Qianhu responded in unison.

A person beside Zhang Qianhu said: "Master Zhang, you should be too careful. It's daytime, and even if the bandits are very brave, they wouldn't dare to sneak attack us."

Zhang Qianhu shook his head and said: "Master Deng, as the saying goes, there is nothing wrong with being careful. I always feel that the bandits in Hongshanling are a bit evil. We have sent two groups of scouts out, but so far no one has come back to report. , I always feel a little uneasy in my heart."

That Lord Deng smiled and said: "Master Zhang is overthinking, maybe they haven't found any trace of the bandits until now, and they are still continuing to explore the way. How about this, let's send another team of scouts and ask them to report the situation every three miles .”

(End of this chapter)

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